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This is the last chapter:( I loved writing this even if I ran out of ideas sometimes but yeah this book is coming to an end:(

A few years passed by, Niall and Harry were now 16 years old it had been 5 years since Liam had babysat them and they kind of missed him. Harry has thought about Louis everyday and night he misses him alot and wishes he could just communicate with him in one way.


"Alright boys it's that time again you're getting a babysitter so behave" Anne said as she looked down at the boys who were sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Who is she?" Niall asked wanting to know who would be their babysitter after 5 years

"Yeah and don't call them a babysitter because we aren't little kids anymore. Harry snorted.

"Well it's your good old friend Liam" Anne said as she Walked out of the door she waved goodbye at the boys who were left in shock.

"WAITWAITWAIT LIAM!?" Niall said while looking at Harry who's mouth was wide opened.

"I THINK S-" he was interrupted by the doorbell ringing, both boys looked at each other before running to the door and opening it. They both saw Liam with a wide smile

"Oh, I missed you boys c'mere" Liam gave both of the boys a hug. He realized they were the same height as him but he shrugged it off.

"And I got a special little fruend of yours Harry" Harry rose an eyebrow then behind Liam a short boy with brown hair and blue eyes appeared. Harry realized who it was and immediately hugged him

"LOUIS!!!" Harry hugged him even tighter. He was taller then him and that made him smile stupidly since the boy was one year older.

"Hey Harry, I missed you alot I couldn't stop thinking about you" Louis rested his chin on Harrys shoulder. He admired the boys curls and his green eyes.

"I missed you too"  both boys looked into each others eyes and lips. Harry got closer to Louis' face and then They smashed their lips together. Louis and Harry both smiled into the kiss enjoying the feeling that they haven't felt in 5 years. Louis played with Harrys curls with one hand and the other hand was on his waist. Harry put both of his hands around Louis' feminine waist- he loved Louis' feminine body so much-

"Great great photo" Niall said while pointing his camera at them. Harry smiled again then they both pulled away from the kiss. "Hi Niall" Louis said pulling him into a friendly hug.

"Your still short like I remember" Niall whispered in his ear making Louis slap his arm.

"Well since when did both of you boys like each other" Liam said even though he knew about Harry liking Louis. But he never knew they loved each other.

"Like...5 years ago" Louis said making Harry laugh. They all walked inside the house Niall told them he had a surprise and made them sit on the couch.

"Alright watch the t.v I got the best gift ever!" The t.v Started off by a blank screen that read "the best love story ever- Larry"  Harry recognized the name Larry and that made him get even more curious. Then soft music started playing in the backround and pictures of Harry and Louis together where passing through the screen. That one picture of Louis on top of Harry when Niall had hit them by accident. Them hugging in Liams car along with the picture of them kissing. Some other pictures Niall had snuck of them years ago. One picture of Harry and Louis during class when Mrs. M got mad at them but they started laughing.

All these pictures meant alot to Louis and Harry. Louis had tears in his eyes of how buetiful all the pictures where. The last picture was one that jiall had taken a few minutes ago when they had kissed. Liam started Clapping along with Niall. Harry and Louis where left speechless

"I never knew you guys kissed in my car!" Liam said jokingly. Louis laughed then hugged Harry, Harry hugged back and whisperd in his ear.

"Wanna be mine forever?" This time Harry was asking instead of Louis.

"Yes Harry I love you so so much" Harry smiled and kissed Louis on the cheek. Liam smiled widely at the both of them, Happy that his nephew and Harry were Happy.

"Wheres Ryan?" Niall asked while turning the T.V off

"Oh..about him...he's 19 now witch I'm pretty sure you guys didn't know and he's a receptionist" Louis said while drinking some water that Harry was holding. "Hey that was mine" Harry whispered to Louis. "But you don't mind" Harry nodded then looked up at Niall who had a small smirk on his face.

Harry was living the dream. Louis was now his boyfriend forever. After 5 years of wanting to be with him he finally got the chance and had no one to tell him that they couldn't be together.


Years later

They lived a happy life together they adopted a daughter named Elizabeth and a son named Logan. Harry was 25 and Louis was 26 they both loved being together and still spent alot of time with Liam. They could now say that Ryan changed alot and was in a relationship with a bloke named Andrew they never knew he was Bisexual!

The end...

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