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When Harry woke up he saw a very sleepy Louis laying next to him. His eyes were shut and he had very long buetiful eyelashes. Harry shook Louis in attempt to wake up him when he realized he was sleeping like a baby he hovered over him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He was about to give him another kiss when someone pushed him off the bed making his small body slam against the cold hard floor. "OW WHAT THE FUCK ELEANOR!!?" Harry stood up and rubbed his head. Eleanor was standing on the other side of the bed staring down at Harry and Louis.

"No!! What the fuck Harry that's my boyfriend you're kissing!!" Eleanor snapped at him, Harry realized she was right and that Louis probably doesn't have feelings for him.

"Right...S-Sorry" Harry said while stretching his back, well damn was that fall painful. He walked over to his desk and turned on a light from the room making it light up. Louis turned on his back and groaned not wanting to wake up.

"Lou...Wake up babe" Eleanor said in a tired voice, she had just been shouting at Harry and now she was TIRED!?

"Anything for you Harry" Louis yawned out. Louis' eyes widened when he realized Eleanor was the one talking and not Harry. Eleanor started freaking out and shouting at the both of them

"WHAT THE FUCK ACTUALLY!!! WHAT IS GOING ON- I CAN'T! I'M CALLUNG MY MOM TO PICK ME UP BECAUSE I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Eleanor walked out of the room grabbing her phone from her backpack and calling her mom. In a few minutes she was out of the house leaving Louis and Harry standing their in silence and awkwardness.

"What's going on here!? And why did the front door just slam shut!?" Liam asked walking inside of Harry's room. Louis looked at Harry seeing his face was filled with sadness and other emotions that he couldn't describe

"Eleanor left and uhmm... W-we saw a spider so yeah that's a-all L-L-Liam" Harry felt Louis staring at him with confusion. "Alright...Well Niall fixed your guys Battery Case So you boys better thank him" Liam said then walked out of their room, the room was yet again filled with silence and awkwardness.

"Care to explain why I woke up with Eleanor yelling at you and me?" Louis sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes trying to get used to the light.

"Well first of all she was yelling at you because you somehow mistaked her with me and she was yelling at me because she saw me ki-...." Harry stopped talking when he realized that Louis would be grossed out and probably run out of the room.

"She saw you? What?" Louis said looking over at Harry who was staring at the ground. Harry felt sad since Louis probably didn't like him and would be so disgusted at him since he wasn't gay.

"Harry...? You okay?" Louis walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He searched for his green emerald eyes but Harry wouldn't look at him. Louis thought to himself

"god I just want to kiss the life out of this boy, he looks so cute right now!! No Louis! Control yourself you do have a girlfriend that doesn't love you one bit but you can't have feelings for guys... Or can you?"

Louis snapped out of it and cupped Harry's cheeks he finally found his pretty green eyes. He didn't think about it and smashed their lips together making the curly haired boy gasp, he quickly put a hand on Louis' waist and kissed him back, pulling him closer and putting his other hand on his soft short hair. Louis pulled away hesitantly, they were both out of breath and their foreheads were against each others. Louis his hands around Harrys neck and kissed him again, this time with more passion and devotedness. Louis stumbled back against the wall, their lips never separated. Harry smiled into the kiss knowing that they both enjoyed it and his answers were answered, Louis loved Harry with all his heart.

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