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Niall threw his backpack on the floor then ran upstairs and locked and shut his door before falling onto his bed. He felt tears rolling down his cheek, Niall missed his mum and he felt horrible for beating Ryan up-Even if he deserves it- Niall began crying harder when he heard a knock on his door... But he wasn't letting anyone in!

"GO AWAY!" Niall shouted making his voice crack a bit.

"Niall open this door!!" Liam shouted attempting to open it but gave up when he realized it was locked.

"no" Niall said this time not shouting since he hurt his throat when he shouted last time.

"Niall c'mon buddy just open the door" Liam tried one last time then when Niall declined opening the door Liam made his way to grab a key to Nialls room door.

"Mate what's wrong why are you crying?" Liam sat next to Niall rubbing his back and pulling him closer to his chest.

"I miss my Mummy" Niall whispered into Liams chest witch was a but wet from Nialls tears.

"Awh mate c'mon 5 more days and she comes home..cheer up lad let's watch a movie and eat some food!" Liam said pulling Niall off his chest and looking at his red eyes.

"Can we watch iCarly?" Niall looked up at Liam seeing he had a smile on his face then he nodded and got up "okay c'mon want to eat Chinese?" Niall got up and nodded his head walking towards down stairs. Seeing harry was sitting on the floor with books on the coffe table amd a pencil in his hand writing down something.

"Whatcha doing?" Liam asked him

"Studying and taking notes for this stupid maths test we have on Thursday" Harry groaned at the thought of having to take a maths test on Thursday.

"Nice maybe I can help--and Niall don't you also take the test since you boys take the same maths class? Liam turned to Niall raising his eyebrows

"Sh- yeah" Niall sighed plopping down on the couch he knew he wouldn't get away with this and he would have to study with Harry instead of eating Food while watching a movie.

"Well then I'll order Chinese and I'll help you boys study!" Liam walked to the house phone and dialed a number ordering fried chicken, Rice, and egg rolls.

"Alright Niall get your books and a pencil" Liam sat next to harry on the floor and looked at his paper He was really good at maths.

35 minutes later...

"So it's 1,562 and just times that by 7 and you get 10,934 then just divide by 11 thats..." Liam stopped for a second and thought for a bit "jeez haven't done maths in a while!"

"Liam seriously you don't know what 10,934÷11 is?" Harry laughed while slapping his knee

"Jeez Liam it's 994!" Niall started laughing aswell

"Shut up I havent done maths in a while" Liam rolled his eyes

"Okay so the answer is 994 then just-" Niall was still laughing at Liam "OKAY MATE YOU DO THIS NOW HUH? TELL ME WHAT THE NEXT STEP IS!?" Liam had enough he was annoyed and of course he said it in a jokingly tone not being to serious.

"Oh erm... You have to do step 2 again... And y-you get 134..?"

"Well you got that first one right yes, you do have to do step 2 again but no it's not 134 its 142" Liam smirked and saw Niall roll his eyes at him

"Ugh my tummy hurts I ate to much food!" Harry complained while grabbing his stomach

"Well boys... It's late now I think you should get to bed!" Liam stretched his back since he was sitting on the floor for around 1 hour helping to boys study a bit

"Okay sleep sounds good right now!" Niall ran upstairs and made his way to his room shouting "GOODNIGHT!" Harry then made his way to his room but stopped and went over to Liams room and saw him getting changed into night clothes "Liam?" Harry whispered

"HOLY SHIT HARRY YOU SCARED THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF ME AND SORRY FOR SWEARING!" Harry just laughed and made his way to Liams bed sitting on it

"Anyways what's up haz?" Liam finished putting on his shirt and shorts then sat next to Harry

"Wow Liam you're like really strong and have alot of mu-"

"Get to the point Harry" Liam scoffed ignoring what Harry had just said.

"Oh uhm... Do you think L-Louis can come over again?" Harry looked at his hands and started fiddling with his fingers waiting for Liam to reply.

"Mate didn't he like hurt you yesterday? You were sobbing like crazy now you want to be his friend? Again?" Liam was confused

"Well I want to apologize to him for overreacting over a kick and calling him a wuss and twat" He looked up at Liam and gave him a timid smile

"If anyone should be apologizing is hi-"

"He already did but I just want to talk to him because he... He's really--"

"HARRY LIKES LOUIS!" Niall shouted


"Niall get over here!"

Niall walked into the room and leaned against the wall.

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