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Harry's eyes widened and Zayn let go of Harry and sighed.

"Mate really he needs to get home and don't shoot me c'mon lad" said Zayn running a hand through his black fluffy hair.

"Yeah well we can't take him because if they see who it was they'll send us to Jail, so he can walk home by HIMSELF" Fernandez made the last part clear looking over at Harry and Zayn

"It's fine Sir, I'll walk home...I-I'll be fine thank you" Harry got his backpack and stood up making his way to the front door.

"Sir, wait...Can I use the bathroom first?" Harry said moving the curls out of his face looking at Zayn and Louis

"Zayn, call me Zayn not Sir, Louis show him the bathroom...THE ONE UPSTAIRS!" Zayn shouted looking at Louis like he was trying to get him to stay away from any other bathroom.

Louis nodded and began walling up the stairs, Harry following behind


Harry took glances at Louis admiring his tan skin and his milk chocolate brown hair that was swept across his forehead.

"You know I can feel when you stare at me right? Admiring me huh?" Louis said as they got to the bathroom door


"Whatever cutie, bathroom is here so go on" Louis said sitting against the wall that was next to a different door infront of a tall green plant.

"I- t-t-thanks" Harry blushed at the name 'cutie' but thanking him for showing the way to the bathroom.

"Hurry the fuck up" Louis said pulling out a chocolate bar from his pocket and biting down on it.


"Finally pretty boy is out of the bathroom" Louis said standing up and wiping his bum.

"Had to put on makeup to look that pretty? If so it paid off so go on downstairs cutie and leave" said Louis in a ignorant tone.

"Bye Si-Zayn" Harry said waving slowly then turning to Fernandez who was checking his watch

"And F-Fernadez thank you" Harry said giving him a small hug then whispering "thanks for letting me in the gang Sir"


Harry began sprinting home when a dog started chasing him so he got to his neighborhood faster noticing the houses around.

"AHH LEAVE ME ALONEEE" Harry said still running from the dog chasing him

"LIAMMM" Harry shouted hoping onto the side of his jeep making his way to the roof of the car slowly. The dog stayed their growling and barking

"LIAM HELP!!" Harry shouted making his voice crack a bit

"HARRY!" Liam shouted running outside and getting harry down

"SHOO!" Liam yelled at the dog making it run away into a alley way

"LIAM!" Harry shouted giving him a big hug

"Harry you scared Me and Especially Niall!" Liam shouted carrying Harry and walking inside.


"Harry!?" Niall shouted running downstairs his eyes were a bright red and he had tears rolling down his cheeks and a bit on his shirt.

"HARRY WHERE DID YOU GO I MISSED YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH! YOU HAD MW WORRYING I THOUGHT YOU LEFT ME FOREVER AND EVER!" Niall shouted hugging Harry making him fall to the ground and began crying

"Harry you had us worried! You better be glad I didn't call your mother" Liam said standing Niall and Harry up.

"So where did you go?" Liam asked him sitting down on the couch

"I don't know" Harry said sternly and most certainly he did know but he just didn't want Zayn and Fernandez to get in trouble

"Are you sure?" Asked Liam rasing his eyebrow

"I don't remember anything Liam" Harry said looking up into his light brown eyes.

"Alright well boys its getting dark very very dark so go to bed and Harry change those clothing they look awful" Liam said looking at Harry's bandana on his neck and his black shirt and pants.

"Heey they look cool!" Niall said ruffling Harrys hair as they walked upstairs

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