Sun/Moon/Eclipse/Bloodmoon headcannons 1

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-Sun, Moon, and Eclipse are all twins, so they're triplets

-Sun is like the annoying little brother, well, he's annoying to Moon

-Moon has a music box that plays to help the kids sleep

-They have nicknames for eachother

-Eclipse's nickname's are Clipsy and Spicy dorito

-Moon's are Moony and Oreo

-Sun has three nicknames but the last one barely gets used

-Sun's are Sunny, Dorito, and Cheese

-Oh, how many nicknames Bloodmoon has...they're all rediculous, gross, and hilarious

-(Be prepared) Bloodmoon's are Bloody, Blood, Cherry, Strawberry, . Blood, Tampon, Used tampon, Stop sign, Tomato, Tomato soup, Marinara, Marinara sauce, Tomato sauce, Chili, Chili pepper, Used pad, Pad, Bloody mary, Blood bath, and Salsa

-Used tampon gets him the most triggered

-Eclipse is like the older brother even though they're all the same age

-Bloodmoon is the hulk version of Moon

-Sun and Eclipse's rays go down as a sign of a negative emotion

-Built in nervous system

Wooo! These are all the headcannons I have for today!

WC: 154

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