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The hooded youths each looked at one of the girls. The boy went to the silver haired girl, and farther away, the girl went to the white haired girl in the wheelchair and the boy who was next to her.

Alfia: What did you do?

Mysterious Boy: We know about your disease; what it does to you and how it's incurable. However, curing it isn't the only method of getting rid of it.

Alfia: Then that white fire?

The boy nodded.

Mysterious Boy: If it can't be cured, then I'll use magic to burn it away. *Turns to the hooded girl* The same can be said for them.

Alfia stared at the boy. His blonde hair being barely visible under the brown hood he wore and his piercing red eyes looking back at her. The question now was what they wanted.

Alfia: So, my disease is gone? My sister's too?

Mysterious Boy: Yes. But-

The girl was now on guard. The boy reached into his cloak and pulled out a jar with strange objects inside. Small orbs nearly twice the size of a pea but light blue in color.

Mysterious Boy: Your disease may be gone, but the damage is still there. You were lucky, far more than your sister so you'll only need to take one of these a day.

He handed her the jar which Alfia reluctantly accepted.

Alfia: What is this?

Mysterious Boy: A special medicine used to help treat weakened bodies, specifically after recovering from a fatal illness. One a day after a meal for the next three months should be enough.

Alfia stared at the jar in her hands before voicing out her thoughts.

Alfia: For everything you've done for us, I am grateful, but what was the point? Why bother doing this?

The boy was silent and just stared back before sighing.

Mysterious Boy: You'll find out someday. I've finished my business for now. I'll just wait for her and we'll be on our way.

With the girl...

Mysterious Girl: And that about covers everything.

Meteria: This is incredible! My body's never felt this light before!

The white haired girl said this happily while the boy next to her was at a loss for words. She looked back happily at the girl who was a blonde half-elf with crimson red eyes.

Mysterious Girl: Yes well, your disease is gone, but your body is still badly damaged. As such...

She reached into her cloak and brought out a case containing three containers of pills. One was blue, one red and one green.

Mysterious Girl: Take each once a day ideally after eating. After you finish, you should be able to live like a normal person.

She smiled at the girl who began tearing up. She looked to the boy next to her who looked back equally shocked and also crying.

Meteria: Do you hear that, Silv? We'll be able to walk together soon! *Crying*

Silver: *Crying* Yeah, I'm so happy for you.

They embraced each other as the mysterious elf smiled at them.

Mysterious Girl: By the way...

They looked back only to find the girl drawing a sword to the boy's neck.

Mysterious Girl: Unless your life goal is to live up to the name as the weakest like you've been doing, I hope for your sake you aim to make yourself stronger. That is, unless your girlfriend isn't that important to you.

She taunted him with a smirk on her face. Meteria looked on with fear while the boy had a tick mark on his head.

Silver: Huh?! Meteria means the world to me! I don't need some stranger to tell me what to do!! I'll show you, I'll be as strong as some of the executives someday and protect her myself!

He panted and caught his breath while the elf put her sword away with an amused smile.

Mysterious Girl: I never needed an answer from you, but your girlfriend seems happy.

This got the boy to stop and turn to her and he saw Meteria looking at him with her mouth wide open and her face completely red.

Meteria: Y-You really mean that?

The flustered boy couldn't bring himself to say anything so he just nodded sheepishly. This made the girl squeal happily as she hugged him.

Mysterious Girl: Now then, if you know what to do I'll be on my way.

Meteria: Wait!!

The girl turned back.

Meteria: I'll never be able to repay you for your kindness. The miracles you've done for me and my sister, I can't thank you enough! Please, at least tell me your name!

The elf giggled to herself before putting her finger to her lip and winked at them.

Mysterious Girl: Sorry~

She then walked to where the boy was. She nodded and the two vanished from sight while the three of them grouped together.

Alfia: Sister! Come, we should tell Goddess.

Meteria: Silv, let's go and tell the others! I can't wait to see Lady Hera's face when she hears this!

The boy nodded happily and pushed the girl to while Alfia glared at the boy.

Alfia: I've got my eye on you.

The boy just stared back with a look that said " I know" but kept moving along towards the home of the strongest Familia in the city.

AN: Yeah, remember my Second cChance story and how that idea was pestering me? Well, this one was much worse. I'm not going to continue this anytime soon, at least not until summer. I wanted this to be an improved story compared to my others, so I'll be doing much more planning than normal which is saying a lot which is why I'll just leave a trailer for now while I develop the overall plot in my off time.

Just clarifying, no, Alfia does not have a crush on the mysterious boy.

How does the story change now that the 12 year old Alfia and Meteria are on the road to full recovery? Is that the last we've seen of those mysterious kids? These questions and more will be answered next time.

Hope you enjoyed this trailer. Leave your thoughts and I'll also release more information about this at a later date.

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