Chapter 3 Boat

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A/N this is my alternate episode 8 on season 8.

In the morning Rick went to the office. Hayley and Alexis were already there working on things. Rick said "Hey guys what are you up to?" Alexis said "We found out it was Vikram sending the text last night, they do that a lot together, plus it looks like they found a hide-out." Hayley said " I got a present for you next time you see Kate." Rick was intrigued and said "Show me." Hayley presents shades that work in the sun and in dark places plus it works well with selfies. She said "These are special glasses, I put a code on the lenses so who ever has a picture of you wearing them I instantly hack their phone and the nearest computer." Rick was impressed and said "Awesome, I have an idea, I will phone Kate at her new operations and you hack the normal way and then we let Vikram think we didn't get in but we did because for the selfie I am going to take with Beckett." Alexis said "Perfect, now that's a plan, the precincts latest victim arrived from the dock at sea. She had substance down her throat. Beckett is heading to the boat." Rick asked Alexis "How do you know that?" Alexis replied "Police cars really need to work in secret." Rick smiled of to see Beckett on boat.
Rick left the office.
Hayley said "You are getting good at this." Alexis replied "Modern technology is surprisingly simple but old phone like Nokia are surprisingly hard to hack maybe we can use one as a firewall, in case Vikram wants to hack us." Hayley smiled "Excellent, go and buy one." Alexis left.

In the 12th precinct in the morgue department Pearlmonter was examining the Body and found a subsistence lodge in the victim throat and said "I think the victim found a crime on board the cruise ship she was chucked off." Kate said "I concur okay I am off to the cruise ship.

On board the cruise ship Kate was talking to Vikram and said "I bet Castle would enjoy this case." Vikram replied "Well hurry back found more information about loksat you really need to see." Kate said "Rodger that." Rick shouted "I AM ON TOP OF THE WORLD!" Kate said "Rick what are you doing here?" Rick replied "Helping you to solve this murder." Kate said "Okay two heads are better than one." Rick asked "Can we please do a selfie on this boat I wanted our next holiday together on a cruise ship." Kate replied "I guess there's no harm." Kate got her phone. Rick put on his shades and got behind Kate and snapped the photo. Kate looked at the picture and said "This ones a keeper going to put it on my screensaver and my new caller ID number for you." Rick smiled and said "Wow it really is good okay let's solve this murder."

They both went their separate ways and talked to different passengers. They all spoke about the same thing about the life boats. Castle and Beckett went and found the where the victim fell of the edge. Kate said "Found the crime screen, where's the evidence." Castle said "Maybe she hid a camera where you store the life reserves." Kate said "Good idea." They looked through the box and found the video camera. They watched it and saw a man put drugs in the life boats. Kate said "I am going to ask around see if anyone recognises him." Rick said "I will too." Moments later they found their suspect at the same time they arrested him and went o the precinct. Ryan and Espo questioned him and Rick said 'Bye got to go." Kate said ""Me too." Kate left to find Vikram in the new hideout, it a was an old strip club Kate said "Great place." Vikram "What, I work on my quarts when you solving your normal murderers." Kate said "Okay what you got for me."
Back in Castle's office he opened the door and said "Plan worked perfectly." Alexis said "Tell me about it we know her location and her phone right next the computer Vikram using." Rick asked "I see one flaw when Vikram stops us first time how do we know it won't happen again on the separate computer?" Alexis replied "Simple this computer is connected to your home server I am going to your office at home and wait until we get access because it does it instantly. I don't need to hack at all." Rick said "That's bloody brilliant." Alexis left with the computer and headed back to the flat and waited . Hayley connected the phone to the computer and said "Phone Beckett please." Rick picked up the phone and dialed her number. Kate answered right away and aid 'Still thinking of our next holiday." Rick said "Yeah that and how another round of our anniversary no one has to know." Kate said "Can't, something big popped up at the office." Rick said "Oh well another time didn't realise as captain you had to do paper work.." Kate said "Yeah exactly got to go." Rick said"That's okay see ya." Vikram said "Your husband is determined to get you back and you tell him about Loksat." Kate laughed "Yeah he's like a dog with a bone, just can't give up. Now what have you got me."

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