Chapter 10 Sally

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Castle was talking to Ryan and Espo when suddenly the elevator door opened and out popped a beautiful Hayley in disguise. She looked like a mix between Gina and Meredith. Castle couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Hayley. He said "Excuse me guys someone I know just popped out the elevator." Castle walked over to Hayley and said "You look stunning." Hayley said silently "All for you Rick."

Castle couldn't help himself and kissed her right away. At that second Ryan and Espo turned around and saw Castle and this new woman kissing Ryan said "Oh boy that's Sally." Espo said "Yeah she looks like Meredith and Gina all together." Ryan said "Yeah, wow Kate is going to go ballistic." Espo quickly text Laine to come to see him in the precinct upstairs." Lanie arrived behind Espo and asked "What do you want?" Espo said " Do you see that chick that Castle kissing, that's Sally Harper." Lanie looked and said "Oh my god I'll get Beckett."

Lanie rushed to Beckett's office and said "You know the mystery woman Sally Harper, well she is currently kissing your man." Kate yelled "WHAT!" Kate jumped out from the desk and found Ryan and Espo and said "Is what Lanie said true." Ryan nodded and said "Look for yourself Captain their in the hallway." Kate looked and saw her husband kissing someone that isn't her, Kate thought this can't be Sally.

Rick and Hayley stopped kissing and he asked "Sally, what are you doing here?" Hayley replied sweetly "Oh Rick please say you haven't forgotten our wonderful time in L.A. and if I ever wanted to see you again I would go to New York and find you." Rick said "Yeah I did, can we go to my PI office instead." Hayley replied "Yeah, thanks for the card I'll see you soon." Hayley left by the elevator. Rick smiled and turned around and saw Lanie, Ryan, Espo and Kate looking at him and he thought "Oh great." He said "Hey guys, you all weren't just watching me." Kate went straight over to him and asked "Was that the Sally, that you were talking about in your dreams?" Rick replied "Please don't be mad but yes that was her." Kate was cross and slapped him and asked "Where did she go?" Rick reluctantly replied "To my P.I. office!" Kate marched to the elevator to go to Rick's office.

Espo and Ryan said to Castle "You better stop her as she looks as if she's going to fight Sally." Rick said "Yeah I am going right now." Rick went to the elevator and said to his earpiece "Kate's on her way, be careful." Hayley said "Almost here, told Vikram and Alexis to go in the hideout room." Rick said "Excellent, I'll try to get there before Kate does."

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