Chapter 5

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Kate marched to Rick's office and demanded to know how he knew about Caleb Brown. She marched in the door and shouted "RICK YOU BETTER BE HERE." Hayley smirked and said "Your wife wants you." Rick said "Go to the hide out room with the right laptop. I'll pretend to play with the broken computer." Hayley and Alexis disappeared and Rick sat at the desk waiting for Kate. The door flung open and it was a very angry Kate, a shout from Kate she asked "HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW?" Rick said calmly "Well Caleb Brown is in the hospital, your only good lead. So you are at the start again." Kate spoke some what better she said "Okay here's what's going to happen, Vikram at the hideout on the computer. I need to know how much you know." Rick said "Okay but Hayley knows more than me. I need to keep contact with her during the interrogations." Kate said "Fine but you answer all the questions."

Rick was happy, he got a small device and put in his ear and said "Can you hear me?" Hayley replied "Loud and clear." Rick said "Start your interrogations." Kate asked "What do you know about the person I am looking for?" Rick replied "His code name is Loksat, he was hired by Bracken as hit man. He killed Bracken in jail. He a ghost. You went away for a few months to track him down that's how you A.G. Team got slaughtered. He's also connected to the Alison Hyde murder. If I had to guess he's a CIA gone rogue. How am I doing?" Kate picked up her phone and asked "Okay, how did Castle do?" Vikram replied "He got 10 out of 10." Kate said "Damn it, are you trying to hack to find out how they got through?" Vikram said"Yeah I am, ask Rick if he knows I am doing this? " Kate said "Okay what do I do if he does?"

Vikram said "I say give him a slap on cheek and say fine get yourself killed and be stubborn." Kate said "Deal." Kate put the phone on mute and asked "Do you know Vikram is trying to hack you?" Rick replied "Yeah we do know that. He's not going to through trust me." Kate said "Did you hear that?' Vikram unmuted and said "Yes if I do loose data then you do what I ask you to do." Kate said "Sounds good." Vikram is at the hideout was doing all his power not to hack. He got into one of the fire walls. It was the middle wall and was doing to the surrounding one by one Rick asked "How's he doing?" Hayley "He got through the middle one easy and taking out one at time." Rick asked"where's our secret weapons?" Hayley replied "Number 1." Rick clasped his hands and waited and said "Hope Vikram got a back up system." Kate replied "I am sure he's going to get in and see what you know also." Vikram got passed number 2 and 4 and and number 5. He said on the phone "Got one more then we know what they know." Rick giggled and said "Try it Vikram, just try it."

Vikram did just that he was half way through then the weapon did explode his hacking program and Vikram shouted "NO NO NO NO, Rick just killed my hacking system." Kate yelled "WHAT!" She looked at Rick and gave him a slap on the cheeks and said "Fine get yourself killed see if I care, I was hoping to work together and do our break up as a cover but nope you just too stubborn to wait." Rick sad "Ow that hurt Kate." Kate said "Well you hurt me, isn't it sad when you get hurt so much, you can finally say "I'm used to it." Get yourself killed that's where this is headed anyway." Hayley said "I heard that from in here, I would tell her that you got your missing memory back. Or I am scared you going to bury yourself in a whole you can't dig your way out." Rick said "Sounds like a plan." Kate angrily said"Got something else to say?!" Rick replied "Yeah if you had let me in from the start I would have told you what I found out when I got my memory back and who shot me. And why I needed Jensen to wipe my memory. But since you are being stubborn you have to work that out yourself." Kate asked "What's so great about having your memory back?" Rick said "Sorry love need to know bye." Kate left the office frustrated and went to the hide out.
Hayley and Alexis came from the hidden place and said "Well that could have gone a lot better." Rick said "She slapped me now I am more determined to find Loksat."

In the hideout came an unhappy Kate and she slumped down on the chair. She said "Tell me you got good news." Vikram said "No not yet, I am trying to work out how his last firewall was so powerful. Hayley's not supposed to be this good." Kate said "yeah Rick has got Hayley and his daughter Alexis but there not as good as you." Vikram asked "What was it about the thing about Rick's memory?" Kate said "You remember I told you he got kidnapped just before our wedding. We found out he was in Thailand and help a terrestrial thing." Vikram said "Yeah but you missed what he said." Kate asked "You sure." Vikram replied "Yeah he said he got his second half memory back and who shot him and why he needed to wipe his memory." Kate said "Oh I missed that, I was too upset to notice so why is that important?" Vikram replied "Because Rick is one step ahead. I bet he went rogue after his mission and found out about Loksat that's who probably shot him." Kate said "Really how do we prove it. If I find that information maybe we can join his hunt." Vikram said "Let's start from their."

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