Chapter 12

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The next night Beckett, Castle, Alexis, Hayley, Vikram, Espo, Ryan  and Lanie were having dinner together. They had pizza and wine. Rick was saying to everyone, "Today's the day Kate came to my book signing and we started our first case together."  Everyone said cheers and took a sip of red wine. Kate took a sip and said "Yurg, okay that wine is yucky. I am going to get an orange juice." Kate went to the kitchen and got herself a glass of orange juice and returned. Everyone ate their meal and then it was getting late. Vikram and the rest of the gang left. Kate said, "Goodbye to everyone." And then headed to bed. 

Martha asked, "I found nothing wrong with the red wine, is Katherine okay?" Rick replied, "Yeah I am sure she's great." Martha said, "Okay, I am heading to bed." Alexis wasn't long after. Rick pondered for a moment and checked his laptop for something. He found out about Dysgeusia; it usually happens within the first trimester of a pregnant woman. He thought, no she can't be pregnant, okay, if she likes chocolate porridge in the morning then i am worried. Castle popped up to his bedroom and went bed.

In the morning Kate got up early to make herself her normal bacon roll. She cooked it fine and took a bite and said, "Nope that's not right." Kate decided to have Chocolate porridge instead. She thought, "Let's see what all the fuss Castle always makes about porridge is about." Kate was making the breakfast and put some in a bowl and started to eat the porridge. She started to enjoy the meal. Sometime later Rick woke up and smelled the porridge and thought 'my mother never makes my favourite breakfast'. Rick came downstairs and saw Kate and he said, "You're up early and you made my favourite breakfast." Kate replied, "I had such a craving and really wanted to try it." Then Rick decided to kiss her. Kate said, "No,no,no,no." Rick asked, "Please don't say I snored again?" Kate replied, "Yeah, but that's not the problem. You'd betrayed me." Rick asked, "What? How? When? And you know I would never do that again. Plus, remember last time I had porridge for breakfast and saw the body and puked?" Kate said, "You know what never mind I don't want to re-live it." Rick said, "Well technically you only dreamed it, so you didn't live it." Kate look at him sternly but luckily the phone rang. Rick said, "Whatever I did, I am sorry." Kate said, "It's the precinct. There's been a murder, plus I have seen more dead bodies than you. I wouldn't puke at a crime scene." Rick sighed in relief and said, "Why do I feel that a murder just saved my life?"

Kate arrived at the crime scene it was in a smart building. She arrived at the right floor of the crime scene waited for everyone to arrive. Rick text Hayley saying, "The new case is in a posh building." Rick took a picture to show everyone at his P.I. building, Hayley saw the building and got worried. Rick went to the level and saw everyone. He said, "Hey guys what we got?" Lanie replied, "Well Rick, we got a male who was murdered, it was done really professionally." Kate said, "Who ever did this was a professional. Plus they can hold onto the thought for a minute." Instead of Kate finding the bathroom she picked up a local empty bucket and puked. Rick saw Kate puking and said "Kate, honey I told you not to have a big breakfast." Kate finished puking and said, "I was totally fine when I got here it just came all of a sudden." Rick was really concerned now, he looked around and make sure it was just him and Lanie watching. It was and he sighed in relief. Kate said, "Let's get the body back to morgue." Rick said, "We have an ID, so Vikram and Hayley can look him up." Kate replied, "Great, I'll go back to the precinct and you can go to your P.I. building."

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