Chapter 4 Hacking

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Vikram was going to show Kate about the different dump trucks that have been shipping the cocaine from the boat. He said "I narrowed down the search from Washington height." Then out of nowhere ALERT SYSTEM BREACHED. Kate asked "What's wrong?" Vikram said "Someone set a rat to my server tool, we are getting hacked." Kate said "Is it Loksat, how did he find us." Vikram typed away and said "Nope it not Loksat." Kate said "Find the person." Vikram said "This person is good but I am better." He found the location, it was from castle pi building. Kate said "That's Castle's place. No no stop it that's going to put it on Castle back step then."
In castle's office Hayley was struggling "Okay I need a plan to stall." Rick's phone was ringing "It's Beckett what do I do?" Hayley replied "Answer it see he how much they know."
Rick answers phone "Hey."
Kate replied " Hey, babe. What you up to?"
Rick replied "Nothing much. Change your mind about tonight?"
Kate replied "Uh, you know, uh, tonight's still not gonna work. But what about right now? Feel like steaming up your office?"
Rick gulped and said "My office? That sounds great. I'm, uh... sort of in the middle of something right now."
Kate said innocently"Really? That's too bad. 'Cause I'm right downstairs."
Rick said "Downstairs" downstairs?
Kate said "Yeah. I can be up in ten seconds."
Rick "Ten seconds is... not long at all. Hang- Hang- Hang on one second."
he mutes the call and looked at Hayley
Rick said" We have to shut it down. She's gonna walk in the front door."
Hayley replied "No. She's lying. Her phone is pinging from Queens."
Rick said " She knows it's us who's hacking her.

He looked at the screen and said "Sorry about that. Just taking off my pants. You coming up?"
Beckett mutes the call
Kate looks a Vikram said "He knows I'm lying."
Vikram said "just a few seconds ."
Kate said Hey. Uh... You know what looks like something just came up. Rain check?"
Rick replied "Sure. You know where to find me."

In a minuet later Vikram was ready to launch the cybe nuke he said "She's almost in. I can launch a cyber-nuke, but it'll completely fry his system."
Kate felt guilty "He's got a back-up system at home."
Vikram said "Is that a go for launch?"
Kate nodded "Yes do it."

On the computer at the over end Hayley said "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Oh!"
Rick asked " What... just happened?"
Hayley frustrated said "Armageddon, I'm afraid. Vikram's nuked the whole system. We've lost everything."
Rick upset said "We've lo... I never liked that guy."

In the hideout Kate asked "Did they get in?"
Vikram sighed with relief "No. Another *second* and they would have. Thankfully our location and all our files are still safe."
Kate felt guilt and said "Yeah. For now. I just hope I didn't nuke my marriage."

In the office Alexis was coming back and said "Guess we are in the system unnoticed." Rick smiled "Yes that's fantastic." Hayley said to Castle "Well played Castle looks like Vikram isn't as smart as he thinks he is not noticing there's two computers hacking him." Rick laughed and said "If only they knew we know what they are up to." Alexis said "This glasses idea was fantastic and if he tries to hack us he's going to have trouble." Rick asked "what trouble?" Alexis replied "Our backup system for them hacking is an old Nokia phone those phone are dead difficult to because the smart phone they are if it feels threading it destroys the person hacking software." Rick laughed and said "I told Beckett I wanted in the mission to stop Loksat but she was in denial." Alexis "You better go Kate's office and have a word and see if you can save your marriage because if i know her she very cross with you." Rick said "Good idea keep me posted."

Rick went to the 12th precinct. Kate was already in her office. Rick knocked on the door and said"we need to talk." Kate replied 'We definitely do." Rick said 'When I saw that text from last night I thought you were in trouble." Kate replied "Yeah well why did you decide to hack us?" Rick said"Too stop you from doing something stupid." Kate said "I am doing this so I can find my team killer and put him to justice."
Rick got a phone call, he answered "Yeah what is it?" Hayley replied "Vikram coming he going to tell about a public defender called Caleb Brown. It's to do with this case because Ryan and Espo picked up Sam Mackay." Rick asked "Wow how do you know this?" Alexis said "Phone picture works better than planned because we just hacked Kate's desk a few minutes and as chief she can track her officers." Rick laughed 'Okay see you at home." Kate was concerned and asked "Who was that?" Rick replied "No one special well I got to go because Ryan and Espo are coming to tell me they arrested Sam Mackay. He murdered the victim and his defense lawyer is Caleb Brown. It turns out he worked for a major cooperation who knows play your cards right and he might lead you to the guy you want." Kate was speechless and said "Wow how did you know that?" Rick replied "I got a great team at my office who's willing to tell me." Kate said "Well at least you still got a team." Rick said "Yeah well I am thankful, but what hurts more than loosing you is knowing you're not fighting to keep me to stay with you, our break up could have been planned though out." Kate said "You better go." Castle left and went to his office. Vikram went into to Kate's office and said "Hey Kate Sam Mackay our killer and Caleb brown his defense lawyer. If we get dirt on him we one step closer to finding Loksat." Again Kate was speechless, she said "Yeah Castle just told me that." Vikram yelled "WHAT HE DID HACK US HOW?" Kate replied "Don't have a clue. I thought you said Hayley was not clever enough to hack us." Vikram rushed off to the hide out to see if he can find the hack. Sam Mackay confessed but before going to jail he grabbed Ryan's gun and shot Caleb brown. And said "You were a rubbish lawyer." Kate looked shocked and said "Put this dirtbag away." Espo and Ryan did just that.

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