Chapter 15

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Castle arrives at the precinct. It was quite easy to get into the ladies toilets without anyone seeing him, plus it didn't take too long before Kate needed the toilet. He quickly put the sample in a vial and went quickly and quietly to the morgue. Lucky for working with the precinct he knew the way around and not getting spotted.

He tested the sample on a sick patient and waited for the results. Laine saw Castle doing something suspicious and asked "Hey Castle what are you doing?" Castle jumped in the air and replied "Erm nothing, plus please warn a guy before sneaking up on me." Laine saw the kit Castle was hiding and asked "That's not a pregnancy kit I see?" Castle went more guilty and said "Yes please don't tell Beckett." Lanie said "Oh my gosh castle congratulations." The test went positive and it had a + sign. Castle looked at the test and said "well it's official I am going to be a dad again." Lanie looked at Richard Castle's face and asked "I guess this wasn't planned?" Castle replied "Not really." Laine said "Well don't keep this hidden too long."

In the P.I. Building Hayley just found one of old partners is still alive Webster she sent the picture to Beckett saying "This is what you are looking for he's the leader." Beckett replied "Thanks for the picture." Ryan and espo found Webster, the stupid dude who paid for an expensive hotel room in cash. They caught him and sent him down to the police station and Hayley was there saying "Finally caught you." Beckett watched Ryan Espo and Hayley talking to the killer. Laine arrived to stand next to Beckett and said "You better go home to your husband he's got interesting news to tell." Beckett said "Oh great he worked out my nightmare okay Laine see you later."

Kate left the police station and went home. Richard Castle was already there waiting on the couch she saw him and said "Oh no this can't be good." Rick asked "How do we always seem to return here again?" Kate replied "Castle, if this is about my dream last night then forget about it." Castle said "I can't we need to resolve this so you I didn't betray you." Kate said "Then why do I feel like it's going to end this way."

Rick said "it's the detective in you that knows when I am lying but I have been lying I just found out first but since I am a dad already I notice things early." Kate asked "What does being a dad have to do with it?"
Rick handed her a sealed box and he said "Open it and find out."

Kate opened the box hastily and saw a pregnancy test inside with a plus sign. She gasped in shock and said "Oh my god, I'm pregnant. That explains the dream I had with my mother. She told me I would be a great mum." Rick smiled "Wow you dreamed about being pregnant but didn't realize you already were." Kate laughed "Well I guess being Captain I lost my detective skills." Rick came towards her and kissed Kate.
In bed Rick thought of something sweet to say he said "You cannot leave behind what is always at your side. I will be with you every step of the way."
Kate Asked "Did you just make that up?"
Rick replied "Yeah, why?"
Kate got on top of Rick and said "no wonder you're a great writer." And kissed him passionately and fell asleep together.

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