Chapter 16

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Rick was busy eating breakfast, Kate was really excited for some reason. "Hey big boy, want another go." Rick said "Why Kate, I always want another go." Martha came downstairs when they were about to do something she said "Don't mind me I am just going to get my breakfast."  Castle and Kate stopped. Just at that second Kate phone rang espo said "We got a new body. The guy looks familiar." Kate "Okay sounds good." She looked at rick and said "Hey, Ryan and Espo have caught a homicide. Do you want to join them?"
Rick said "Why? Got a crime scene right here. My mother just killed the mood." Kate giggled and left and went to the crime scene. Rick sighed and went back to finish his breakfast. Then he got a text from Hayley "You really need to go to the crime scene I think it's Caleb Brown." Rick almost dropped his phone and ate his breakfast quickly "Bye mother this might be the murder me and Kate have been looking for."

Rick arrived at the crime scene at the same time as Kate. He was walking quite quicker than normal, Kate asked "Something you not normally this excited for a crime scene?"  Rick replied "Yeah I just a weird feeling I might know the person."  Kate was more intrigued and went to the crime scene together. Lanie  said "You guys ready for a weird one." Rick was more excited and said "I love weird cases." Lanie said "Well this the victim but how he died is a mystery, because I know he got shot but I can't find the bullet." Kate gasped in shock and said "That's a real mystery." Kate and Rick saw the body of the victim and Rick was correct on the person and decided to act calmly and said "Wow that's Caleb Brown the lawyer." Espo said "Yeah that's correct." Ryan said "You know what's weird he was killed outside his flat." Kate asked "Wow that is weird but looked the victim and were he been shot and how the heck did Caleb brown die without a bullet is my big question?" Lanie replied "Your guess is as good as mine." Rick had an Epiphany and thought "Hmmm this is odd, but wait a minute I remember watching something similar, Alexis and my mother right I do watch too much tv." Then Rick called Hayley, she put him on speakerphone and asked "Hey Hayley, do you think this person we trying to find is ex CIA?" Vikram replied "you are a genius that's brilliant but they won't help us unless it's a weird case." Rick asked "How about a disappearing bullet that's no where in the victim?" Hayley gulped and replied "Yeah that might work, asked Lanie take swab around the bullet hole." Rick replied "Okay will do bye."
Then castle looked at Lanie and asked "Can you take a swab around the bullet hole and send it to the lab?" Lanie replied "That's a good idea okay I will do just that." Kate looked at Rick and asked "What you wanting to happen?" Then Rick moved closer to Kate and whispered "I think Loksat is Ex CIA and hopefully this will interest a CIA person to help with this case and we asked the person questions." Kate smiled and kissed him and said "You are brilliant." Rick replied "Yeah plus I watch too much tv because I have a seen a case like this before."

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