chapter 52

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After discussing what had happened the day before and the decisions that he made in regards to Mr. Shue, Figgins left the office.

Sue sat back and just looked at Shelby for her reaction. She was a little less them pleased herself but what could she do?

Shelby stood up. "I can't believe they are just suspending him."

Sue walked over to her and pulled her in to a hug. "At least it's for the rest of the school year and he's not allowed to come back to Glee at all. By then the girls will have passed Spanish and won't have him as a teacher again."

Shelby pulled back and started pacing. "I'm not happy about this."

Sue sighed. "I'm not either. I'm going to contact my lawyer and see if we have grounds to pursue any other legal action. The ass has tenure, and a contract. It's a damned three strike rule around this damn place."

Shelby stopped pacing and went into her arms. "At least I was offered a permanent position here for next year. The teacher that went on leave has decided to retire and Figgins wants to add another Musical Arts class to the roster as well."

Sue rubbed her arms. "See, you and I will be here and we'll take care of them. It will be fine and I told Figgins I would stay on and coach the club with you so I will be with them in both."

Shelby finally started to calm. "I know and it makes me feel better, thank you."

Sue grabbed her hand and walked to the door. "Let's go make an announcement for a Glee meeting during their free period so we can talk to them and let them know he's gone for the year."

Shelby sighed. "Yea, ok."

After the girls finally made it to Rachel's locker they were met by the Gleeks and Amber. Amber looked at the squad seeing most of them looking pissed. "What's wrong, what took you so long to get here?"

Rachel sighed and Santana rubbed her back. "Finn Hudson happened, he damn near ran her over."

Everyone gasped and Puck pulled Rachel close. "Are you ok?"

Rachel nodded into his chest. "Yes, I'm fine Noah. It was an accident I think, but I'm ok."

The squad started breaking off and heading to class and Amber looked back to Rachel. "I'm going to head out too, see you after school."

Puck squeezed her one last time then pulled back. "What happened with ass face Shuster?"

Rachel shrugged. "We haven't heard yet. I'm sure mom will let us know as soon as she does."

They all talked for a moment more then went on to class. During first hour the announcement came for the glee meeting during free period. Rachel sighed knowing this was to tell them what happened to Shuster and she was worried about him being allowed back in glee and having to deal with him in Spanish class.

Rachel was anxious all day but the others helped keep her calm. The glee boys had all opted to not wear their letterman jackets and left them in their lockers all day. There was always at least one of them with the girls all day.

When free period came she was very anxious. San and Quinn noticed but said nothing knowing that she wasn't going to calm until they knew what was going on.

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