chapter 2

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Rachel was leaning over the sink rinsing her hair when a voice called out to her.

"Hey loser"

She looked up to see large jock coming toward her. She was terrified but tried to stay calm. "It is most inappropriate for you to be in here. This is the girl's lavatory and I insist you leave at once."

He laughed as he lunged for her and clamped a hand over her mouth, grabbing her and pinning her to the wall. "I will leave when I good and ready."

He was twice her size and had her immobile. She tried to fight, scratch, hit, but to no avail. As he ran his hand under her skirt and ripped her panties away she knew that this was happening and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

As Santana walked into the bathroom she saw Rachel on the floor in the fetal position. Blood on her legs, her still red stained shirt ripped. She dropped to her knees beside the other girl. Rachel jumped and began to whimper.

"Rachel! Its ok it's just me. It's Santana." She scooped the trembling girl into her arms and held her gently as she fell into her. "Rachel, who did this, we need to take you to the hospital."

"NO!" Rachel jerked out of her arms and crawled into the corner. "Why are you here? You don't need to be here. Leave, I don't need you to mock me now. Please leave me alone."

Santana crawled slowly toward her speaking in a gentle voice. "No Estrella I am not trying to mock you. I just want to help. Let me help, please?"

Rachel just started sobbing. "You can't help. No one can." She let Santana take her into her arms again and let her gently rocked her.

After about 5 minutes had passed and Rachel was no longer crying so hard Santana spoke again. "Rachel, you need to see a doctor. Let me take you to the nurse or the hospital."

"No Santana I can't...I can't. I won't tell anyone, I can't tell anyone. Please I jus...I just want to go home. Please let me go home." She was terrified and trembling. She burrowed into Santana's neck and just cried some more.

"Ok Estrella, I will take you home. Let's get off the floor now. Can you stand?" Rachel just nodded and attempted to stand only to collapse back to the floor. "Ok, just hold on hermosa." Santana stood, slung her bag and Rachel's over her shoulder than picked up Rachel in her arms and carried her bridal style thanking Sue's horrendous workouts that she was able to.

She carried her out the side door to the parking lot and to her car. She opened the door placing the trembling girl in the passenger seat, buckled her in and went around to the driver's side and started up the car. The car was silent as she drove. When she pulled into the drive way at Rachel's home she parked, got out and went around to help her out of the car. The other girl was catatonic and shaking so she looked in her bag for house key's noticing there were no other cars in the drive and lifted the girl into her arms again and carried her to the house.

Once she made it into the house she called out. "Hello, anyone home?"

Rachel burrowed her face into Santana's neck and held on tightly saying "No one is home right now."

She tightened her grip on the tiny girl in her arms. "Where to Estrella?"

She replied in a voice so quiet Santana almost didn't hear "Upstairs to my room please."

As she climbed the starts with the other girl still in her arms her mind was racing. She didn't know what to do. Rachel really needed to go to the doctor. Bruises were already forming on her legs, arms and she had a cut on her shoulder. She could only imagine what the rest of her looked like. "Do you want me to call your fathers carińo?"

She shook her head violently. "No. They are out of town. I'm not going to bother them. I just want to take a shower. I need to take a shower. Please."

Santana continued on until she found her room. Locating it by the gold star on the door. She carried her into the room, saw an open do leading to a bathroom and took her in there. "Ok Estrella" she sat her on the toilet lid and kneeled down in front of her. "Do you need help hermosa?"

"No I can handle it. Thank you for bringing me home Santana. I am ok now, you can leave."

Santana just shook her head "No Rachel, I'm not leaving you like this. Shower then I can get your first aid kit and bandage you up. You have a cut on your shoulder. Where is your first aid kit?"

Rachel looked around dazed like she was trying to figure out where she was. "Um ... it's under the sink."

"Ok shower and I will find you something comfy to put on after then I will bandage you up." Rachel only nodded. Santana exited the room closing the door listening on the other side until she heard the water come on. She went to the dresser and found a t-shirt, sweet pants, a hoodie and under clothing. Sitting on the bed she tried to figure out what to do next. She got up and went to get her phone from her bag to text Quinn.

Santana-Quinn: Had to leave early will not be at Cheerios practice. Will explain later.

Quinn-Santana: Coach is going to kill you. Where are you? Are you alright?

Santana-Quinn: I am as ok as I can be. Will explain later.

Quinn-Santana: What's wrong? Where are you? I will come to you now.

Santana-Quinn: No. I will explain everything later. I gotta go.

Quinn-Santana: Ok but call if you need me.

Santana-Quinn: Thanks tell Britt not to worry, I am ok.

Quinn-Santana: Will do

She placed her phone on the bedside table and sat back down on the bed to wait. Rachel had been in the shower for so long and she was starting to get worried. She knocked on the door. "Rachel, are you ok?" No answer was forthcoming. She knocked again "Rachel?" She pressed her ear to the door and heard faint sobbing. "I'm coming in Rachel."

She opened the door and the sight before her broke her heart all over again. Thru the glass of the shower she could see Rachel curled into a ball on the tiles sobbing. She rushed forward and dropped to her knees and cradled Rachel in arm. She sat with her rocking her for a few minutes before turning the shower off and picking her up again. She took her out, dried her off, and sat her on the toilet seat again after wrapping a towel around her trembling form. She carefully bandaged her cut checked for others and picked her up again. She carried her to her bed, dressed her than laid her down.

When she went to move to go back to the bathroom Rachel grabbed her arm in a death grip and whimpered. "I'm going to change into something dry. I will be right back I promise." After a moment Rachel let go. She quickly stripped her uniform, found another set of sweat pants shirt and hoodie, returned to the bed and gathered Rachel close. Rachel started sobbing again and Santana just rocked her and murmured into her hair, "It's Ok Estrella. I'm here. I got you" over and over until sleep took them both.

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