chapter 17

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After practice was finished and they were getting dressed San pulled out a garment bag from her locker and turned toward Rachel who was standing by Brittany's locker talking. "Querida, come here a sec?"

Rachel looked up at her, smiled and walked over, "Hey, what's up?"

San hands her the bag, "You need to change and get ready."

Rachel looked at her in confusion. "I don't understand. Get ready for what?"

San smiles cupping her cheek. "For your birthday dinner of course." At the look of utter shock and disbelief San lightly kissed her nose. "We are treating you to a fun night of birthday fun hermosa. So change and we will get going."

Rachel just stared at her. No one ever remembered her birthday or attempted to ever celebrate it with her. She had never had a birthday party that consisted of more than her fathers and Puck. Usually Puck would drop by with a present and watch movies with her before her daddy died but that was it. The year after there was so much going on, while he remembered her present she had just wanted to be alone. Last year she spent alone as well because he was in Cincinnati with family for Hanukah and his mother wouldn't allow her to go.

Today no one had even told her happy birthday except for Britt when they were alone in the kitchen this morning. She looks at San with tear in her eyes simply saying, "OK" then taking the bag into one of the stalls to change. San had packed one of her new pairs of black dress slacks and a shimmery ruby button down that really flattered her form. She also brought her new high heeled boots. After she finished changing and touching up her makeup she came out to see the others had dressed up as well and were waiting for her. She just stared at them in awe. "Ok, I'm ready." They nodded grabbing their things and hers. San stepped up and grabbed her hand and they led her out to the car. "So," she asked. "Where are we headed?"

She looked at them all smiling at her with the mischief in their eyes, but Quinn was the one to speak. "Now Rach, it wouldn't be a surprise if we told you. But, it's somewhere you've never eaten before." They got into the car and Quinn leaned over the seat to San and Rach in the front. "Hey, I need to run by my house before we go."

San looked at her annoyed "Really, I'm starving Fabray. Are you trying to make us late?" She mock glares at the girl playing it up for a second but soften when Rachel puts a hand on her arm. She huffs "fine, but you need to hurry." Quinn nods and scoots back in her seat next to Britt. When they pull into the drive Quinn opens the door to get out but at San's voice she pauses. "You have five minutes or I'm coming in after you." She nods and heads to the house. They see a light come on and wait. After about six minutes Santana acts like she's getting further annoyed. "This is crap. What's taking so long?" She waits another minute, "Ok, that's it, I'm going to get her."

She gets out of the car and heads to the door. Britt opens her door looking at Rachel. "We better go too or they may kill each other." Rachel nods and they hurry to catch up to the Latina.

They catch her as she reaches the door and opens it. When they walk in Quinn is just standing there smiling. San smiles back looking to Rachel grabbing her hand and starting to lead her into the living room. "Ok, here's the deal. We wanted to surprise you so we planned a party."

As she finished the sentence they walk through the door of the living room and she sees all of the Gleeks and Samantha smiling at her. Once they know she sees them all they yell "Happy Birthday Rachel."

She stares at them dumb stuck in disbelief for a moment then she smiles and lights the whole room. "Oh my god!" She says. They all chuckle at her reaction, she turns to look at the girls behind her who are beaming at her looking proud. "How did you guys do this?" She asks walking up she slides her arm around Santana's waist, grabs Quinn's hand, and beams a thousand watt smile at all three of them.

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