chapter 22

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it was almost 8:00pm when they got back to the house. They took turns unloading their purchases and putting some in the guest room and some in Rachel's closet to hide, the rest for Puck and Britt and the wrapping paper they just put on the couch in Rachel's room.

Once they were done Rachel fell back on the bed. "Oh my god, I'm tired." The other girls sat next to her on the bed. She looked to the clock. "Ok. It's 8:05pm, if we leave now we can make it to the tree lot. That should give us time to pick a tree then call ahead for some Thai take out and be back before 10:00pm. We can leave the tree in the garage and put it up. We can decorate it tomorrow." She said rubbing both girls' on their backs.

San sighed. "Ok sounds like a plan. But tomorrow we sleep in then worry about getting the tree up." Quinn and Rachel nodded and they all got up and headed out again.

They arrived at the tree farm and headed to the smaller trees. As they inspected the trees Quinn looked around and spoke to the girls. "I don't think we need a big tree but if it's ok with you two I would like one that is at least 5ft tall. These littler ones don't look very full at all." San and Rach nodded and went to the next row of taller trees.

They all were inspected the trees then San called to them from down the row. "Hey girls, I think I found the one we need." She said pulling the tree out a little for them to see.

Quinn walked around the tree. "Yes, I think you're right. It's small but has lots of full branches to hang stuff on." She paused looking to the others. "What do you think Rachel?"

Rachel looked at the tree for a moment, "Yes, I think this tree is more than acceptable. Let's pay for it then go into the shop and see about some ornaments. I think I would like some new ones that we get together." The girls nod happily and San goes off to get the tree guy to pay and load up the tree.

When they are finished paying for the tree and a tree stand that they attach for the girls Quinn directs them to the SUV to load it. "It's the red hummer right there." She points to the only SUV in the parking lot. "It has a luggage rack." She levels her best HBIC glare at the man, "Do not scratch my Hummer or I will end you." The guy scurries off scared mumbling a 'yes ma'am' to her. Rachel and Santana just chuckle to themselves. Loving that she has the ability to scare the crap out of people outside of school too. After Quinn supervises the loading they head into the little shop.

Rachel is scurrying around like a kid in a candy store with the girls smiling indulgently following behind her. She picks up two, twelve count packages of oddly shaped, multi colored ornaments, every one different than the others. "I love these they are so pretty. What do you guys think?" She asks slightly bouncing in place.

They chuckle and San answers. "I like them too. We should get both packs. They are all different and unique." She looks to Quinn who is nodding her head in agreement.

Rachel beams a smile at them. "Ok great. Now let's go look at the specialty ornaments and pick some out. About four each I think and we should have enough for our tree." With this she heads in that direction. The girls chuckle again and follow the tiny excited diva.

They all end up picking out five more each. A set of music notes, a piano, pom-poms, a set of carolers, a wreath, old style wooden toy drums, top, and train. They also got an antique looking Santa, a reindeer, an ice skater, and a puppy with a Santa hat on. They found three gold ornaments, an angel, a star, and a koala bear that look surprisingly a lot like the ones on their bracelets. They agree on white light and San grabs three packages of them. Quinn also picks up some gold and red garland and white tree skirt that looked like snow. San found an electric train set and just had to have it saying she was going to put it around the tree skirt under the tree. Lastly Rachel found a beautiful gold light up star tree topper. They headed to the register and paid for their bounty and headed to the car. While they had been paying San had called in their order for food so they headed to pick it up. The snow was already starting to come down. They wanted to get in, unload and hunker down for the night.

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