chapter 45

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Tuesday was surreal for all the Gleeks. Where ever they went the students congratulated them on their win. They finally got the recognition they deserved for all their hard work.
For Rachel, Santana, and Quinn Cheerios practice went well. They still had a protection detail just to make sure Rachel was ok without having to ask for it. There were no fewer than four Cheerios or Gleeks with them all day. Puck stayed close as well as Britt, Sam, Marsha, and Stacy. Rachel didn't see anything amiss with it and didn't question them being around.

At the end of the day they all went their separate ways to do homework and rest up for the competition the next weekend.

Wednesday was much the same and uneventful. They all dressed for Glee at the end of the day and headed to the choir room. Once they were all there Shelby stood and addressed the group. "Ok guys I have the rules and theme for Nationals."

They all cheered and once they calmed she continued. "This year Nationals is in Washington D.C. The rules are pretty much the same as with Regionals except for the amount of songs we need."

She paused looking at the papers in her hand. "We will need six numbers. Two group, two duets and two solos. We are also required to use two numbers from our Regionals competition. There will be three stages of judging. The first stage will be a group and a duet. The second stage is the top 30, with those two songs and a solo. The third stage is the top 10 with the three other songs. There is no set theme."

Rachel raised a hand and Shelby motioned for her to speak. "That gives us four new numbers to choreograph and learn. Which two songs will be keeping?"

Shelby smiled. "We will be keeping the duet and solo. After listening to the crowd reaction to all three I think those are the ones we will keep. Also keeping with the competition spirit just like Mr. Shue did after sectionals, I want to have another competition for the second duet."

The group all cheered and Mr. Shue spoke up. "Have you assigned the partners yet?"

Shelby shook her head. "No, this time they will choose their own partners unless you would prefer that I choose." She said looking at the group.

The all just shrugged and Kurt spoke up. "Would it be random or would you choose partners based on ability and singing style?"

Shelby just looked confused. "Um, I would chose on ability and singing style. Otherwise you and your partner might not be able to do as well together."

They all turned into each other and discussed it quietly for a moment. Everyone failing to see Mr. Shue looking mad. When they turned back Rachel speaks for group. "We would like you to choose."

Shelby smiled. "Ok, Mr. Shuster, Coach and I will discuss it and let you know tomorrow who is partnered. All of you can meet us during your free period for a few minutes and we will tell you then."

They all nodded and she continued. "The two group numbers and the other solo I will also discuss with Shue and coach. We will let you know after the duet completion which will be next Friday. We will have the same guest judges along with the three of us."

She turned to Rachel. "Rachel, I will let you know Monday what was decided so we can get together for choreography. I will also be talking with Santana Brittany and Quinn for music arrangement and help with the routines."

Rachel and the girls nodded and Mr. Shue stood up. "I thought I was going to be in on this."

Shelby sighed. "You are, we have three other songs to choose. We will let you in on the process. I didn't think I needed to say your name through everything, Sue will be there too. Rachel, the girls and I will be working on some of this at home after the beginning planning is done. We work until it is done and you can't always be with us."

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