chapter 49

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Rachel awoke with a start early the next morning. She hadn't had a nightmare and wasn't sure what had awoken her. She looked up to see San's peacefully sleeping face and realized it must have been Quinn being out of bed that woke her. She sat up and looked around not seeing her. She gently got off the bed and checked the bathroom not finding her there.

She decided to check down stairs. She was almost down the stairs when she heard the music coming from the open basement doors. She headed down only to stop short when her mom motioned for her to be quiet and listened intently to Quinn playing the piano and singing.

She smiled softly, recognizing the song. She quietly slipped past her mother to enter the room and sit with her love while she played. Quinn smiled softly at her never breaking stride in the song. At the chorus Rachel joined in backing her up.

Shelby smiled as she watched them and listened to the heartfelt rendition of the song. She smiled brighter as San passed her to sit on the other side of Quinn joining in with Rachel as well. She remembered fondly her second morning here when she found Rachel singing and the others joined her. That was the morning in her heart that she gained not only one daughter but three.

As they finished the song Shelby quietly slipped back up the stairs to start breakfast. She rounded the corner to find Sue at the coffee pot filling a cup. She smiled and went to her wrapping her arms around her. "Good morning."

Sue leaned into her. "Morning. What are they doing up so early singing?"

Shelby sighed. "Quinn woke first and started playing then that song came out. Rachel made her way down then Santana shortly after. Music is so ingrained into them, it's their outlet. When one is upset she usually goes down alone to sing, eventually the others follow and sing back up. It calms them."

Sue looked thoughtful for a moment. "That's actually pretty neat."

Shelby just smiled. "The first time I saw it happen was my second morning here and Rachel was playing. They sang Beautiful by Christina Aguilera. I've heard San do a slowed down version of Stronger, Quinn has done this song and actually the duet that San and Rachel did for regionals. She really likes that song. Rachel has done so many I can't count them."

Sue listened as they started over the song. "Do you know this song? I really like the lyrics."

Shelby turned to get a cup. "Yep. It's one of my favorites."

Sue listened again then leaned over to kiss her cheek. "It's nice. I'm going to go change and shower for the day. I need to run to the school early to put away the uniforms. We just shoved them in the locker room trying to get out of there last night."

Shelby turned back to her. "If you wait, we can all go and help. It'll take less time."

Sue shrugged. "Only if the girls are up to it."

About that time the girls came in the room. Rachel smiled at Coach still being there. "If were up to what?"

Shelby smiled to her. "I was telling Sue that if she waited, we can all go in together and help her put up the uniforms and stuff from this weekend."

The girls shrugged and Quinn answered grabbing her coffee mug. Shelby had gotten them for them the last time she was in Columbus. Hers had a koala bear on it, San's an angel and Rachel's a bright glittery gold star. "Sure, we usually go in early anyway." Rachel and San nodded their agreement.

Shelby turned to Sue. "See, problem solved and you don't have to go in so early. Now, go take a shower and I will start breakfast, all of you."

Quinn chuckled. "I already had one so I will help with breakfast."

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