chapter 13

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When the girls entered the mall Quinn steered them toward Abercrombie & Fitch. "That's where I got the jeans you've been wearing and they look fabulous on you. If we get them a little shorter they will be perfect. I think that should be our first stop." The girls all nodded their approval as they entered the store. They shopped for an hour and a half with Rachel modeling several jeans, slacks, and a few shirts. They had fun and giggled at the store clerk that was watching them like a hawk afraid they were shoplifters.

Rachel was outright laughing when he kept hovering close but never spoke to them. "You'd think we look like a bunch of deviants or something." She lowered her voice with a serious note to it "Three cheerleaders and a diva absconded several outfits at the local A&F store last night. When asked why they did it their only reply was, 'eh, the diva needed a makeover' and now on to the weather Mark." The girls lost it and were laughing so hard they had tears rolling down their faces.

Quinn was the only one able to speak. "Oh my god Rachel. That was priceless," and they all laugh even harder.

At the outburst the sales associate came forward. "Is there anything I can help you ladies with?" He said with a snooty air about him.

Rachel looked up at him and replied, "Actually yes. Do the associates here work on commission?"

"Yes ma'am we do." He snootily replied.

"Ok, good, thank you. May I speak with your Manager please? I have a question that can only be answer by a member of the management staff." The girls looked at her questioningly but said nothing wanting to see where she was going with this. The sales associate nodded and left to find a manager but not before whispering in another employee's ear before running off. The other employee just rolled her eyes and waved at the group shrugging her shoulders.

When the sales associate return he had a manager in tow. "Good afternoon ladies. I was told you were in need of my assistance."

Rachel reached out and shook the woman's hand. "Yes, thank you for your time. I just had a question. Is it customary for your customers to be treated like deviants ready to run for the door without proper payment for the products that they are trying on and deciding whether or not to purchase? Because this man has been following us around since we got here and has been making us uncomfortable. He never asked if we needed help until we started laughing a few minutes ago and was rude about it."

The manager looked absolutely appalled. Looking from the sheepish associate back to the girls. "Absolutely not..."

Rachel cut in. "Oh good, because I was about to spent in the neighborhood of about $1000 or so in your fine establishment for the starts of my new wardrobe. Not to mention the amount all three of my friend were about to spend as well. Now if that is not acceptable I can take my business elsewhere." The girls just watched in awe as she was in full diva rant. They hadn't seen this since sectionals and they liked it.

The manager's eyes had bugged out when Rachel dropped a dollar amount on her and immediately started to apologize. "I am so sorry for the way you were treated here today and I assure you that it will never happen again. I will personally help you continue your shopping and check you out myself to insure that you are satisfied with your service here today."

"That is not necessary, I know you are a busy woman and have a business to run." She pointed to the sales associate that the other had spoken to. "We will be fine with that associate there. I just wanted to ensure that this man did not receive any monetary gain from our purchase today as he did not properly treat us, but I do thank you for your time and help getting a new associate to help us."

The manager smiled at the polite girl and called over the other associate telling the one standing beside her to wait in her office. "Of course dear. This is Amanda, she will help you with anything else that you require." She then turned to the associate. "Make sure they get a ten percent discount for their trouble Amanda." The girl nodded and the manager looked back to the girls. "If you need anything else don't be afraid to ask." She shook Rachel's hand again, nodded to the others and left to deal with her employee.

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