Want To See A Magic Trick?

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"Hey Stefan? Wanna hear my story?"

"Are you serious? Like from the very beginning?" He asked. Excitement radiated off him.

"Dead serious."


"Uhh yes!" And so I began from the very beginning. We talked for hours. Stefan asked question after question trying to get all the information he could. The whole time he worked on his chain as I tried mine every few minutes. We laughed and laughed and I realized it wasn't just a mate I had been missing, it was family. Though there was a large gap in age Stefan was like a brother. No one ever came to check on us and that's when we realized it was the middle of the night. I told Stefan to sleep for a hour or two and I would wake him when it was my turn. Not even five minutes later the pup was lightly snoring.

Within the two hours I let him sleep I began to focus on my body, trying to help it recover from whatever material they had injected me with. When I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer I woke Stefan up. As I began to doze off I felt fear roll off him in tiny waves.

"I hope Annie is okay." Stefan whispered. Ah, that's where the fear came from. He's worried about his sister.

"If she's anything like you've described she'll be fine." Stefan jumped.

"I thought you were asleep, you scared me." He said causing me to lightly chuckle. "Julian, I don't know what I'd do without her."

"You would do your best, that's all you can do." I pulled at my chain, nothing. "But don't worry Stefan you're getting out of here soon." Stefan grew quiet. I could tell there was more on his mind.


"Hmm?" I hummed, my eyes heavy with sleep.

"The first time Don hit me was the day after my mom was killed." Suddenly I found the strength to keep my eyes open. "Annabelle had mouthed off to him and he pushed her making her accidentally fall into a glass table." I growled. That man has a rude awakening coming. "I went to defend her and pushed him away. I told him to never touch her again. He slapped me but I didn't mind, at least he wasn't hitting her. Well Annabelle being Annabelle didn't like him touching me. She attacked him! Full wolf claws and all!" He laughed recalling the memory. This made me smile. "It wasn't funny at the time but remembering her literally jumping on him, half human half wolf, was a sight to see!"

"I'm glad y'all had each other." I smiled. He nodded. "What happened next?"

"She clawed him up real good but after a few minutes of struggling with her he was able to get her off and threw her into the wall. She was dazed a bit but I think her pride was hurt more than anything. She got back up but instead of fighting she told him that it should have been him who died, that mom was the real alpha. That he will never be a true alpha. That is when he lost it. He got two punches in and I knew I had to save her. Even though I was younger and hadn't even started my real training classes I fought him with everything I had. I remember every kick, every punch. I remembered Annie staggering over to us yelling for him to stop. Next thing I know I'm waking up with the pack doctor standing over me. Annabelle laid next to me in a separate bed. We both looked terrible."

"How did he get away with that!" I growled. I pulled at my chain hoping some strength had came back. Still nothing happened.

"He told the doctor he found us outside of our territory. That we had disobeyed him and went to explore the border lands and that rogues must have gotten to us. The doctor had no reason not to believe him, the rogues had been a big problem for a while at the time." Stefan pulled at his chain and suddenly it popped, releasing him from the wall. "I'm free!" He went over to the bars and began to slowly pull them apart. "This is going to take me another five hours at this rate!" He huffed. Suddenly the roar of a car sounded and soon two voices were heard in the distance.

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