Your Animal Is Showing

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Suddenly he lunged. Quickly I side stepped and grabbed the back of his shirt keeping him from hitting the ground face first.

"Got to be quicker than that." I teased leaning down by his ear. Without warning he threw his head back head butting me in the face. Dropping him I wiped at my nose with the back of my hand. Blood was smeared there. The kid got me pretty good but my nose was already healing.

"Like that?" He chuckled getting back on his feet. Not waiting for a reply he threw a left jab aimed for my rib cage. I blocked it as he threw a right jab. I quickly blocked it and got a quick push at his chest causing him to stumble back a few steps. I chuckled as he seemed to be getting aggravated with me. He came at me throwing a few combo punches to which I gently blocked and then swiped down at his legs causing him to fall on his back. He laid there letting his emotions build. I hovered above him with a smile on my face.

"Come on, get up, we just started." I lightly nudged his leg with my foot. He huffed and sat up on his elbows.

"Why? You're not even trying! You've been playing defense. I know I can't win but I at least expected you to try and fight back, am I not even good enough to fight!" He yelled. His animal was showing as his anger came forth. I crouched down next to him and sighed.

"Kid you really need to believe in yourself more."

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked with clenched teeth as he stood up. His body visibly shaking.

"Calm down Stefan, your animal is showing. Losing control is never the answer."

"Maybe it is, maybe you'll see that I am worth fighting." He took a step forward as his claws extended from his hands.

"Listen kid—"

"I'm not a kid!" And with those last words he lost it and shifted. Faster than I've ever seen, he lunged at me and took me down. The air was knocked out of me as we went tumbling across the field. His wolf form against my human form was more painful for me as we rolled, both fighting for dominance. His large mass managed to pin me down first. He snapped at my throat but I managed to punch him in the snout, disorienting him for just a few seconds. I used that time to roll out from underneath him and book it to the wooded area. If I wanted to teach this pup a lesson yet keep my identity hidden I needed to hide from the crowd that was now watching us. As I weaved in and out of the trees I made sure to get far enough away from the training field. I quickly undressed and shifted just as Stefan came barreling through. Seeing my wolf out didn't stop him. He came growing and looking for blood. I snarled back, letting him know I wasn't playing this time, but that didn't have any effect on him either. I charged to meet him head on. We both reared up and snapped at each other's throat, neither one actually able to get a good hold of the other. With each snap fur was shredded from the both of us. Not paying attention to scenery we ran into trees and bushes trying to escape each other's jaws and claws. Having enough I took full advantage of my gifts seeing each move of his before he actually moved. Seeing an opening I took a hard swing and sliced his face up with my claws. He tumbled backwards with a yelp. I watched as his skin began to mend back together. He snarled and rushed at me again. Before he had time to attack I tackled and pinned him down. He fought to get out from underneath me, trying to snap at my legs and throat. Once again I swiped at his nearly healed face causing the wound to reopen. He howled in pain but kept biting and clawing at me. Stefan, calm down. I went to swipe at him again but this time he got a good grip on my front paw. He bit down as hard as he could. I felt as his teeth sank deep into the muscles and eventually hitting bone. Ignoring the pain I saw my opening. I quickly latched onto his exposed throat. He yelped loudly hurting my ears and releasing my paw. He tried to claw out from underneath me yet all I did was bite down harder.

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