Crispy Bacon

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"Hello King Julian." And out of the shadows appeared Don.

Julian! What is going on? Where are you? Annie asked through our link.

East border land. He's here. Be careful, I'll buy the warriors time the best I can, but he's shot me with something, I'm weak.

We are on our way. Was the only response she gave.

Don. Linking him I growled. I tried getting back up but this time his little concoction was stronger, it worked a lot faster. Huffing I laid there. All I had to do was buy some time for the warriors to get here. Burn marks deformed half his face. Stepping closer to me I noticed they traveled down his neck and ran down one arm as well. I would say you're looking good, but honestly, you look like a piece of crispy bacon. This made him laugh. He walked closer and kicked me in the side.

"You think you're funny huh? Why don't you shift so we can really talk. Man to man. Father-in-law to Son-in-Law." This time I laughed through my link.

Are you scared of my animal? Do you really think I wouldn't kill you just as fast in my human form? I asked with a leer. Don bent down and cocked his head to the side.

"Do you see this gun boy?" He held the small hand gun up to my face. "The little dart in here has been especially made for you. I have modified it since the last time I've used it on you. One more shot from this gun and it will end your life."

Then why not use it? Why stop with one shot? I asked. He ran his hand through my fur making me growl. Don't touch me. He laughed once more not taking my threat seriously but pulled his hand back. I assumed he was remembering how I took one of his fingers last time while just in my human form.

"Because my boy, I don't want to kill you just yet. You see, this is just a warning. A drive by, let's call it." He smirked. "Tell your little mate that I want my pack back!" He gritted his teeth. "Black Stone has become one of the biggest and strongest packs and it belongs to me! If she can't give up the position then I will declare war and take it back myself."

Sorry Don, but even if she wanted to give it back to you she couldn't. You see, we found all the evidence of how you killed your mate and that poor border patrol guard. The whole pack knows you as the lowlife scum you are. They would never accept you as their alpha.

"You listen here you mutt!" He yelled grabbing my mane and pulling my head up to look at him. "I will destroy this pack. I will make you watch as I kill everyone you love! I will make you roam this earth for all eternity without friends, without a mate, and without pups of your own. Sound familiar?" Without hesitation and with all the strength I had, I grabbed his hand that was closest to me with my mouth and closed my jaw with as much force as I could. With a holler he tried pulling away but I had decided I wasn't letting go. Biting down and pulling back with all my might I felt the bones splinter and muscles tear. Don fell back holding his severed wrist. I dropped the hand onto the ground and licked my lips to prove a point.

There was nine, now there's five. I growled. Do you want to lose more? I asked. Thundering foot steps sounded in the distance. Don held his bleeding appendage and glared at me.

"This is far from over!" With that he took off running through the thick trees. "You were warned, now you will all pay!" He shouted.

Julian! Annie's auburn wolf came bounding through the trees. She stopped at my side as the wolves that flanked her kept going, running after Don. Stefan's dark wolf broke through the brush and headed over to us. Are you able to shift back? She asked. I nodded and shifted back.

"Stefan will you help me?" Without hesitation Stefan shifted as well and picked me up.

"Is that a hand?" Stefan asked seeing the bloody hand laying nearby.

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