Best Friend

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Again my eye lids were heavy and my whole body felt weak. All I could hear were beeps of what sounded like ECG monitors every few minutes. I kept my eyes closed and just listen for a while. I heard a handful of heart beats but it seemed as if they were farther way like in a room close by. There was no talking and no other movements heard. Deciding I was alone in this room I forced my eyes to open. A bright blue light hit them as soon as I did. Quickly I closed them. With patience I slowly opened them so they would adjust to the blue light. Looking around I realized I was chained to a cold metal table. The pants I wore were gone and replaced with shorts. The rest of my body was on display. Wires traveled from my body to the machines. Quickly I began to think of my next move.

It took a whole day to get enough strength back to send a small shock to one guard. How would I possibly break free from this and defend myself from the possible threats in the room next door? Suddenly a buzz sounded from the speaker above me in the ceiling.

"Are you awake Alpha Thomas?" I stayed quiet. Clearly it was Don's voice. "Alpha Thomas, is that even your real name?" I huffed as I tried to pull my wrist free from their restraints. I tried my ankles next. "Good luck, you're so doped up on my sweet little concoction, you won't have any supernatural strength for weeks!"

"I don't plan on staying here that long!" I growled out tugging at the restraints again. "Why don't you come out here and face me like a real alpha!" I shouted. "Oh wait I forgot, that was your wife!"

"You shut your mouth! You know nothing!" He growled through the intercom. "I'm sending a friend in. He's going to give you a little pick me up." Don said with a sinister chuckle. Within seconds a man in a lab coat came in and started an IV. Pulling a vial out of his pocket he stuck a needle in it and began to draw a light purple substance out of it.

"What is that?" I asked. The man looked at the door then back at me. "Let me guess you're not allowed to talk either?" He said nothing and slowly injected the substance into my IV. I opened my link. Is he threatening your family too? The man made no notion to if he heard me or not. He acted as if nothing was being said.

Yes, I am so sorry. May you and God forgive me. He ran out of the room before I could respond. Suddenly the monitors began to beep faster and faster. My heart began to beat wildly and suddenly it felt as if my lungs were going to collapse and as if fire spread throughout my veins. I gasped for air.

"Is it getting hard to breath Thomas? Does your heart feel like it's about to explode?" Don asked tauntingly.

"Wha-what is-is that?" I gasped. I felt as if I was having a heart attack. I looked over at the monitors only to see my heart rate in the two hundreds and my blood pressure above stroke level.

"You should be dead by now but even the most concentrated amount of poison and wolfsbane can't kill you!" Don laughed over the intercom. "What are you!" Within what felt like hours but mere minutes my heart rate dropped back down and my blood pressure lowered back to base line levels.

"When I get out of here you are going to wish you were dead." I said still trying to catch my breath.

"Do you think I'm scared of some pup that's a little harder to kill than average?" He laughed again.

"I'll have you know I've killed over a thousand men that were stronger than you Don. I've been through more pain then you could imagine and if you think I'm going to die by the hands of someone so weak and cowardly as you, you are greatly mistaken!"

"Oh, So you think you're so tough? You think you can out live any and everything? Let's see how you handle a little shock therapy. I took this trick from your very own playbook." I could hear the smirk in his tone. Suddenly the metal table that laid underneath me came alive sending massive jolts of electricity throughout my body. As my body tensed up, I began to laugh. The machines began to beep again.

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