Green, Pink, and Blue

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~~~~~ONE YEAR LATER~~~~~

"Happy birthday to you!" The field erupted in cheers. I couldn't help the wide smile that spread across my face. I looked out across the pack grounds and studied the people around me. My pack members, my friends, and my own little family. I couldn't help but think back to how I never had this until I met Stefan and then later Annie. My heart was so full I couldn't imagine life without them. Knowing that just a over a year ago I didn't think I'd ever see my pups grow up or my best friend find his mate made me appreciate this moment so much more.

Looking over to my little mate my heart thumped wildly in my chest. Her hair was elegantly braided but a few pieces of hair had fallen out of it. Maybe it was from running around all day today trying to get everything ready for the triplets birthday or maybe it was from the small pup she held in her arms. Greta and Doc stood beside her holding the other two. They officially got together and have been inseparable since. I turned my attention back to Annie as she approached me.

"Do you want to take her while I start cutting the cake?" She asked with a smile.

"Of course, oh my goodness! Look at you!" I cooed grabbing the little cheeky baby that already resembled her mother way to much. Placing her against my chest she looked up and reached for the short beard on my face. Pulling hair was her favorite hobby. Lightly I kissed her. "I remember the first time I held your brothers and you."



I watched as my life replayed over and over. I was sad to know I would never see my family again but I was also happy knowing I could still vividly remember their faces. After all these years I thought time would eat away at my memory. Suddenly new faces began to form.

My pack.

My new life flashed before my eyes. The pack dinners and game nights, the arguments and cheers, Annie's hormones scaring everyone senseless. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't.

I couldn't feel anything. Why can't I feel anything?

Panic bubbled up in my chest. Why can't I feel anything?

"Doc! Doc, he's waking up!" I heard the voice of a young lady call out. I couldn't place which pack member it was. I tried opening my eyes but all I saw was black. Suddenly it all hit me. Don and Stefan. I sat up with a jolt. My heart began to race causing a slow beeping sound to speed up. This triggered alarms. Panicking I hoped off the hard bed and fumbled around in the darkness, reaching out in front of me to grasp onto anything.

"Julian!" Multiple hands grabbed me trying to calm me down.

"Doc?" I cried out. "I can't see! I need to see! I need to see Annie! I need to see the babies!" I shouted. The alarms grew louder causing me to wince and reach for the sound. Accidentally hitting the monitors I heard crashing and the voices of more nurses.

"Alpha, you must calm down!" Doc spoke quickly. "I need you to listen to my voice and slow down that heart rate for me. Someone turn those machines down!" He shouted. The noise dimmed but I was still worried.

"I'm blind." I stated slowing touching my face. I felt the rough fabric that wrapped around my face.

"No." Doc replied lightly taking my hands away from my face. "So far that we can tell there is nothing wrong with your eyes. They've been reacting to light and movement like any healthy eyes."

"But the bandages?" I asked.

"The bandages are there to help keep infections out of your wounds. Your face is still healing a bit."

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