The Smokey Man

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The wolves slowly crept towards me. I stood up and looked to the Alpha standing in the door way.

"Call your mutts off." I spoke sharply. The alpha raised a brow. Stefan's head snapped in my direction.

"Stefan, who is this stranger and why is he on our lands without permission?" The man asked never taking his eyes off me. The wolves snapped, eagerly waiting for the moment their alpha commanded them to tear into me.

"Dad, this is Thomas. A friend of mine from the alpha program. Thomas, my father, Alpha Stone." The alpha looked me over and I took this time to do the same. He was tall and lean like Stefan but held more width in the shoulders. His hair was dark like Stefan's and they both shared the same dark blue eyes. He was an older version of Stefan but with shorter hair and a greying beard.

"From the alpha program you say? So you're an alpha or soon to be one I assume. You don't smell like an alpha." Mentally I slapped myself. This was not going as planned already. Plan B for my cover up started now.

"Well neither does your son." No offense. I linked to Stefan.

Rude! He replied yet kept a slack face.

"Touché. What did you say your last name was?" He asked.

"Smith. If you want to know more I'll be happy to answer your questions but call the mutts off. I will not be held responsible for any injuries they require." The alpha snapped his fingers instantly making the wolves submit and walk out.

"What pack?"

"Red Rock, across the great waters." I had just visited that pack last month. I saved their alpha's life and in return he said he was forever in my debt, I guess this is a way to repay me.

"You've traveled all the way here just to visit Stefan whom you've known for a week at that alpha program?" He asked not buying it. I scratched my head acting awkward.

"Not exactly. I am visiting because I am searching for my mate. I figured I'd drop in to see Stefan and sniff around to check for my mate." Suddenly Don began to laugh.

"Well son don't be ashamed!" He came closer and slapped my shoulder. I smiled sheepishly. "Now a days it's hard to find a true mate, but we have plenty of beautiful females here, you being an alpha will help as well. Stefan could learn a thing or two from you. Stay as long as you like."

"Well I'm not sure how long it will be, I mean you did just break my hotel door down." I chuckled.

"Ah, sorry about that. With a stranger on the land I like to make a big entrance, get a few dogs to do my bidding, and instantly I became a feared alpha. It's good for reputation."

"I know what you mean."

"Hey, why don't you just come stay at the pack house. Stefan can clear a room out for you. My daughter who trains the pack is gone for a few weeks and we need to get in shape. How good are you in battle?" Something flashed behind his eyes, something close to mischief and deception.

"I'm great. I had the best mentor but if you'd like to see it for yourself I can fight a few of your men tomorrow." I smirked. This caused him to chuckle.

"I like you. You got spunk. I just might take you up on that offer." I bet you will. "I'm going to pay for the damage done to your door. Stefan, have Thomas stay with us. I'll see y'all at the pack dinner tonight." With that he left. Before Stefan could speak I held a finger to my lips.

Don't, he's still in hearing distance. Stefan rolled his eyes.

Becoming cozy with the enemy already? He asked sounding a bit irritated.

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