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"Stefan!" I shouted as I arrived back to the crime scene. Stefan stood with a group of men talking. I waved him over. Quickly he jogged towards me.

"I can't talk right now, I'll meet you in the room." He spoke quietly. I merely nodded and headed inside. As I entered the front doors I noticed the rumble of voices coming from the living room. I made my way down the hall and around the corner to see many of the women and children whose mates were helping with the search. With frightened expressions the mothers murmured to one another of tonight's activities while their pups played on the floor unaware of the bloodshed just a few feet away. When my scent hit them they quieted down and nodded in respect. I nodded and casted a small smile in their direction.

"Alpha?" I looked down to see a pup tugging at my shorts. His shaggy blonde hair nearly covered his light blue eyes. "You're the alpha, right?" He asked with a toothy smile. Catching me off guard I frowned.

"I am an alpha." I answered as I bent down to his eye level. He laughed and shook his head.

"No! You're the alpha. My alpha!" He declared happily as he threw his little arms around me trying to hug me. One of the mothers gasped and ran over to the boy.

"Aaron!" She chided as she pulled him away. "Alpha Stone is our alpha, you can't call other alphas your alpha, you will get us in trouble!" She looked to me with a new sense of panic. "I am so sorry!" I cocked my head to the side. Did pups naturally know top authority? I wondered. I looked to the mother.

"Don't worry about it. Pups will be pups. Right Aaron?" I asked now looking back to Aaron as I stood back up. He slowly nodded not fully understanding what he was agreeing too. Aaron, can you hear me? I linked. His little eyes widened. I watched as him and his mom walked back to the living room.

Alpha? He asked looking back towards me. I smiled and waved at him. I know Alpha Stone is the alpha, but your the Alpha, right? He asked again emphasizing the word.

Aaron you are very smart, but you have to promise me that you will keep it a secret. I'm undercover right now. I said holding a finger up to my lips as I winked at him. He smiled and snickered quietly.

Like a spy? He asked. I only nodded in response. Okay! I won't tell no one, not even mama. He pretended to zip his mouth closed and throw away the key. I chuckled and waved.

Good boy, I'll see you around. Night pup. I climbed up the stairs and made my way back to my room. Before anything else I quickly called Alpha Jackson of the Ledger pack. After the second ring the line connected.

"King Julian. I think I know the reason behind your call so early in the morning." The alpha answered.

"Did the female wolf make it safely?" I asked.

"Yes sir, we have given her a room and will take good care of her. She told me everything of tonight's events."

"I greatly appreciate your hospitality Alpha Jackson. If you need anything feel free to call. Goodnight."

"Thank you. Oh, King Julian. If there is a war approaching just know me and my warriors will fight with you."

"Thank you, but let's hope it doesn't come to that." With that I hung up. Feeling beyond tired I plopped down on the bed and sighed. I looked over to see the painting of me. How did Stefan's mother know me? I wondered.

"Thomas, I don't know what to do!" Stefan announced as he barged in making sure to close the door behind him. Taking my focus off the painting I sat up. I watched as he paced and ran his hands through his long hair.

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