Plan C

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"Stefan I swear if you don't stop touching my stomach I will literally cut off your tail and feed it to you!" Annie shouted storming down the hall. I wouldn't actually say she stormed down the hall though, it was more of a waddled very angrily. I chuckled quietly to myself as I sat in her office tending to all the alpha duties. The last few months Annie's stomach had grown and Stefan couldn't help but be excited for his niece and nephews to come. Our family line has carried twins for many generations and so when we heard there was not only one baby but two we weren't too surprised, but when Doc announced a third baby we were not only surprised but a little terrified as well. One baby is a lot, two babies are hard, but three babies? That is a whole other ball game.

"I'm just saying hi to my little warriors!" He whined as he followed after her. Standing I stretched my sore and tired muscles. Training with the pack everyday as well as training Stefan has taken most of my time and then paper work and other alpha duties had drained my remaining energy. By this time everyday I wanted a nap but I knew that there was absolutely no time for resting. With the babies on their way in less than a month we had so much preparing to do. Slowly I made my way out of the office to find my overly emotional, always hot, and annoyed mate. Taking the stairs two at a time I found my mate and Stefan in the kitchen.

"They don't want pancakes today!" She glared at him as he tried shoving a fork full of food towards her.

"Annie, you've had pancakes the last two weeks! Now they change their mind?" He asked placing the fork down on the plate. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You two are cracking me up!" Stefan pouted as Annie pushed the plate away from her.

"Julian, your mate is being mean and all I'm doing is trying to help her out." He whined. Annie rolled her eyes and hopped out of the chair.

"Julian, your mate is being mean." Annie mimicked him while coming over and hugging me. She had been super clingy for someone who's constantly hot and doesn't want to be touched. I hugged her while looking to Stefan.

"Ann be nice, he's trying to make you happy and comfortable. Stefan give her space and try asking what she wants instead of assuming." Both half heartedly agreed.

"Hey wanna go to the falls?" Annie whispered looking up at me with a smirk.

"Ann! You're already carrying three of his children, what more could you want?" Stefan asked picking up her plate and taking it to the sink. Chuckling I kissed her.

"I don't think that's the best idea with your current situation." She released her hold on me and lightly pushed me.

"What do you mean my situation?" Crossing her arms she cocked an eye brow.

"Baby, we got an appointment, remember? Plus it takes you 10 minutes to get from the bed to the bathroom. How are you going to make the hike to the falls?" I chuckled pulling her back to me.

"Yeah you're the size of an exercise ball!" Stefan commented as he cleaned the kitchen up.

"Julian, can you give me my shoe please?" Smirking I already knew what was about to take place. I bent over and took one of her house slippers off and handed it to her. "Thanks, now look away." Suddenly she chunked her shoe at Stefan hitting him in the back of the head.

"What was that for?" He asked rubbing his head. Pulling her with me we headed to the front door.

"Don't call your sister fat!" I called out. "We have a doctors appointment, we'll be back in a bit." I helped her put on sandals and then opened the door.

"Okay! Uncle Stef will be waiting!" Shaking my head in amusement we left.


"Uncle Stef, we're home!" I called out as we entered the pack house. The living room was packed with teenagers playing a game while a few adults filled the kitchen. The whole place smelled like a heavenly buffet. One of the main cooks, Greta, came through the room holding a plate of cookies. Greta was a young widow who never really got over her mates loss but decided that cooking was a great coping mechanism for herself. Annie and I both agreed to give her a position not only in the pack house but at the bakery. She's been thriving ever since. Greta even started dating again. Greta and her late mate were both warriors. Both cunning and strong. Even though Greta was on the more petit side of things she could pack a punch. I've watched her spar with both women and men and she knew exactly how to take down her opponent. Today she looked more like a cook then the regal warrior she hid deep down. Her golden hair was tied back in a elegant braid and her green eyes sparkled brightly. We made the right decision, no doubt about it. Greta was great to have in the pack house. She was around enough to give Annie company and advice when I was busy with pack work or Stefan was training. Plus she gave me peace of mind when I had to leave Annie behind when I left the territory. I knew Greta could protect Annie if something where to happen while I was away.

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