chapter nineteen

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[ Still in Kenny's POV ]

prom was tonight, i had a dress picked out, it was hard trying to hide it from timothée considering we both lived in the same room.

but mackenzie insisted on taking me dress shopping.

"come out!" she shouts,

i walk out, her face glows with a smile.

"you look perfect kenny!"

the dress was a tight fitted mermaid dress that hugged my waist, it built a heart shape on my chest, and flared perfectly at the end. the lace was beautiful and the soft pink stood out.


"i swear. i swear!" she runs to get heels to pair it up, she puts them on my feet and runs backwards to see how they look. "ahhh! yes!"

i felt the pressure from my chest, i had already told timothée i'd be with mackenzie, his response was relaxed, he told me to not say much around her. she is not worthy of anyone's trust and that was it.

but i felt like i needed to tell mackenzie about him and i.


"uh huh."

"you know about timothée and i right?"

she shakes her head with a faint smile. "of course i do," she sees me go quiet, she holds my arms gently. "no i'm not mad. im back with my ex, him and i are were just incredibly toxic and terrible for each other. he couldn't handle my yelling and i couldn't handle—well everything.

"i understand."

"gosh i hope not!" she laughed. "i really hope he treats you well."

"oh no! he does treat me great. i meant i understand what your saying. timothée treats me fine, he's a great person once i got to know him." i say, "now it sounds like i'm rubbing it in your face.i'm not." i mumbled, realizing i could've came off as mean.

and i don't like to be mean.

she laughs, "no! i get it! no hard feelings. him and are far past. i wish it didn't end so ugly but sometimes— it's better to leave it like that, you know?"

i nod, "completely."

"do you love him? timothée?" she asked.

"yes a lot, he feels like home,"

prom was in a few hours, i couldn't wait to see what timothée was wearing.

mackenzie drives me back to her place. she wanted to do my hair and makeup as well.

[ text message]

timothée: how's mackenzie, do you feel like a hostage yet?

me: you are being mean. she's rly rly nice. i just think you suck.

timothée: i like to hear that, that's rlly good and i do not not suck. send me a pic of you. i miss ur face. and show me the outfit.

me: not a chance. it's a surprise remember???

timothée: bossyyyyy and lame. find i'll wait, can't wait to see you tn.

[income facetime call]

me: stop trying to facetime me!! surprise remember

timothée: alright :( i give up. i'll wait.

me: good. you do that.

mackenzie starts putting on my makeup, she then starts curling my hair.

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