Chapter 2

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While you was waiting with your brother in the living you, for your friends to come. you heard a soft knock on the front door. You sat up from the couch and walked up to the door, opening it to see lola, molly and your best friend b/f. You smiled and welcomed them inside, watching them step inside with delight. Molly saw your brother looking down with guilt and sadness on his face and slightly frowned. "Is your brother okay?" Molly whispered, as the other two girls looked at b/n. "Um, not really." You whispered back. "Why is he upset?" B/f asked. "Well you know Ben right b/n's friend." You told then and they nodded. "Well my brother and his two friends Mike and Ben were outside and they started to hears noises and before they could do anything, b/n told me this thing had grabbed Ben and ran off." You told them with an anxious look on your face. They gasped, making b/n look up at you. "That's horrible did you call the police?!" Lola asked. "I said that to him but he told me that the police won't do anything, because he couldn't see what the person or thing looked like." You said. "Well we can't just forget about this, we still need to file a missing report cause what if this person keeps killing more people." B/f said with fear.

"Look everything is going to be okay, if this happens again then we'll call the police alright." You said and they groaned. "Your being ridiculous right now y/n, can we call them after we explore the woods then?" Molly questioned. "I'm sorry, it's just that I don't want this person finding out we called the cops and kill us to." You said. "It'll be fine y/n you'll be safe with us." Molly spoke. You nodded and told b/n to grab his back, he slowly nodded and grabbed his bag, following you and the others out the door. You and the other four walked up to the woods that was a bit near the store you went to. You noticed the tall lanky trees swaying side by side by the cold wind and walked up to it. Your friends and brother followed you and all you could see were the long, dull trees and a few bushes. You then saw something not to far away and quickened your pace, to see that it was an abandoned mall near the road. "Guys look it's an abandoned building!" You called getting the others attention. "Woah, it looks creepy. Should we go inside?" Bf/n asked. "You wanna go in there? Look how old it looks, we could get hit by something or step on something disgusting." Molly said In surprised. "You guys are such babies, we might find something cool in there, we'll only be in there for 5 minutes." Bf/n replied. You and the others thought about and finally agreed to head inside. Bf/n grinned and stepped inside, with you and the others doing the same. You looked around and saw a few rats running around and a few bugs running up the rusty walls. You looked at the windows to see a few windows broken with jagged glass on the floor. The pieces sparkled and glinted like cheap diamonds, you saw something red on the glass and stepped closer to see the shards of glass caked with blood. You stepped back in shocked and immediately covered your nose when you smelt something rotten close by. The others must've smelled it too and also covered their noses and went to go see where the hideous smell was coming from. You followed and looked at the walls to see dried blood on it and a few scratches. You then looked down to see more blood trailing down the dark hallway and started to get more and more afraid to see what's at the end of the hallway.

Before you and the others could take another step, you heard a loud crunching and tearing noise. You gulped and stepped closer to see a creature crouching and feasting on something. You couldn't tell what it was by how dark it was, but you could see it's long black tail swishing side by side and it's two pointy ears twitching. It's body position was disturbing and it's whole body was skinny except it's fluffy black chest. For some reason you was not instantly frightened by it, but more concerned as to it's condition. It looked like an animal but you didn't know what animal it was, it's back was facing you and the others so you couldn't see it's face. The smell had gotten stronger and you looked over to see what it was eating. It was ben, or what was left on him. The creature was ripping his skin off and feasting on his flesh, blood trickling down it's chin. "BEN!" your brother yelled in horror. You glared at b/n and looked back at the creature to it facing you and the others. It licked it's lips and stood up towering over you, it looked about 10 feet tall and it had bloody toon gloves like Mickey mouse does. It's eyes were huge and it's teeth were very sharp and very bloody. It smirked as it's ear twitched, it stretched it's long arms towards lola and tried to grab her. But your brother quickly grabbed her hand and ran off with her. You, molly and bf/n began to run as well but went a different way instead of following b/n and lola. You started to tear up and you felt your heat pounding in your chest. "W-what the hell is that thing!" Molly shouted. "Shup up, molly we don't want that thing chasing us!" Bf/n whispered. The three of you ran into a run and slammed it shut, you looked around to see a closet, a bed and curtains with the window boarded up. You sprinted over to the bed and went under it, the other two ran up to the closet and went inside, shutting it. You heard loud cries and screaming and hoped that your brother and friend is okay. What was this thing, why is it killing people, where did it come from. You had so many questions and you just wanted to go home and see your father. But what if you'll never make it back home, what if this thing finds you and eats you alive. You started shaking when you heard heavy footsteps walk up to the door. It twisted the doorknob and opened it with a terrifying smile on it's face. "Where are you my little mouses" it spoke harshly, as it walked up to the closet. It began sniffing and immediately pulled the closet doors so hard that it almost broke off. Lola and bf/n screamed and tried to run from it, but the creature was to quick for them and grabbed them both. It began strangling them and they were trying their best to get it to let go. What was you doing you couldn't just watch your friends being killed by this thing. You had to do something and fast, you got out from under the bed and threw a rock at the creature's head. It perked up and it's head snapped towards you, you shrieked and took a step back while the creature starred at you as it drooled. "P-please let my friends g-go" you stuttered. It smirked, seeing how scared you were and took a step towards you. "Why should I let them go, You're in my territory!" It shouted. You wiped You're tears and looked at the creature as it waited for you to answer. "W-were very sorry, we d-didn't know you lived here we'll l-leave just please l-let t-them go" you told it. It's eyes began red and it cackled evilly as his tail wagged. "Let's play cat and mouse, you have 50 seconds to hide and if I find you, I'll kill you and your pathetic friends" it told you. You were shocked and was gonna decline, but you saw your friends crying and shaking. You frowned and nodded, seeing the creature grin. "Purrfect~ the game begins....NOW!" It yelled, making you jumped and began running out the room, searching for a place to hide.

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