Chapter 3

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I ran as fast as I could and searched for a place to heart. I couldn't hear anything but my heart pounding. I ran into a room that had boarded up windows and a big pile of old stuffed animals. I knew this was probably a bad idea and he would immediately find me, but I had no other choice. I jumped inside and placed the teddies over me. It was hard to see since the building had no lights and it was completely dark. But I could see the silhouette of the creature looking around. My eyes widened and covered my mouth so he wouldn't hear me. He started sniffing and I began to sweat, he's gonna find, I'm gonna die. He walked up to the pile of teddies that I was hiding in and harshly pulled me out. I screamed and then grunted in pain, when he through me onto the floor. shocked and terrified as the cat hovered over me, his face stretched into a demented grin. I had no control of my body, I lay petrified. "I find ya, little mousey!, HAHAHA!" He laughed, his voice going deeper, which made you shiver more. He dragged your two friends closer to him and opened his mouth wide. You couldn't speak, you couldn't move, you couldn't do anything you just watched. The cat bit of lola's head off, the blood splattered all over you and bf/n and the cat. You both screamed whilst the creature laughed evilly.

I was about to try and save my best friend, until I felt hands wrap around your waist and arms. I looked down to see the creature's arms around me, looking up to see he grew more arms from his body. I was speechless, what was this thing? Where did it come from. My head was hurting a lot and I was too weak to fight back. The cat ripped off bf/n's arm as she screamed loudly. She cried and before I could yell at the creature to stop, he sliced her neck with his finger. I cried and wished this was all just a nightmare, all my friends and brother are dead. This is all my fault, I'm a horrible person. He licked his lips and dropped the bodys, getting more blood on you. He cleaned his black fur and looked at you with a smirk. "Your stupid friends and brother tasted delicious, I wonder what your gonna taste like" he said. The cat looked out the boarded windows to the sun rising. He growled deeply and looked back at me. "Listen toots, I'm really tired right now and I can't be bothered killing ya. But I will when it's night again, so I-" he stopped talking and starred at me. I got uncomfortable and afraid by his stare. And was also confused why he stopped talking. "Or maybe, I can keep you. You can get humans to come in my territory. I rarely get people to come in here so your gonna help me" he grinned. "What?! I'm not helping you, you killed my brother and friends you asshole!" I yelled at him in anger.

He glared at me and used the hands that was still wrapped around me. And started choking me, I gasped and tried to pry them off. He was too strong for me so I tried my bed to speak. "O-Okay! I'll h-help you....just p-please l-let me go p-please!" I shouted. He sighed and let me go, I gasped loudly and coughed a bit. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes and wanted to just punch him so hard. "Perfect, I will let you go outside but don't even think about trying to run away. Because I have a friend and he's gonna be watching you." He told me. "T-There's more of you?!" I asked in surprised. "Yep, but there nothing like me there different monsters. I rarely see them around here too because there afraid of me, what sissies!" He chuckled as he carried on talking. His name is cartoon dog, he'll be watching you to see if your actually gonna bring humans for me. Your gonna be bringing them here at night not at day, got it?" He said, seeing you nod slowly. "Oh! How rude of me, I didn't tell you my name. My name is Cartoon cat, nice to meet ya toots." He winked at you and before he could kiss your hand, you growled and pulled your hand away. "Get the fuck away from me!" He glared at me and picked you up. "Do you want me to kill ya!" He shouted. I flinched and looked down. "S-Sorry" I mumbled. He smiled and walked up to a room that was quite big. There was two beds, a few boarded up windows and a drawer with a broken lamp. "This is our room, you like it" he asked. I nodded and he placed me on one of the beds. He sat on the other bed and layed down. I frowned and layed down as well and placed the dirty sheets over you. I heard purring and snoring, guessing that he already fell asleep. I didn't bother trying to escape, he would either bring me back here or kill me. "What am I gonna do?" I thought and felt my eyelids get heavy, immediately falling asleep

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