Chapter 10

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While I was in the shed, I still kept hearing those loud thumps getting louder and louder. I was afraid to see what it looked like, it could be more bigger and more dangerous than Cartoon cat. I didn't know how long I had to stay in here for, he just told me to run and hide. I should've kept running to try and get away from him. What if I did actually gotten away from him for good this time and I wouldn't have to see him again. I'm always listening to him now, I give up trying to get away from him. I tried to run away, I tried to kill him, I tried everything. But nothing worked and I'm probably gonna be stuck with him for the rest of my life. I wiped my eyes and suddenly gasped when I saw something I didn't want to see. What was this thing, it had sirens on with sharp teeth and a tongue inside. It had wires wrapped around it and was a dark brown with blood on it. I couldn't breathe or speak, my eyes were stuck onto that creature. It was so big that I could only see it's feet. I didn't want it to spot me in here, I'd rather get killed by Cartoon cat than this thing. It stopped and looked down at the shed, tilting it's head in confusion. It was about to pick up the shed when long, fluffy black arms wrapped around it's legs. It was Cartoon cat and he made the monster fall onto the trees. A lot of trees got knocked over and there were leaves and branches everywhere. Siren head yelled loudly and slowly sat up, he looked down at Cartoon cat and gritted his teeth. He's dealt with Cartoon cat for years and wasn't able to kill him. But now he's had enough with him and was gonna finish him off. He lifted up his leg and went to stand on him, Cartoon cat was quick enough to dodge his attack. He hissed at siren head and grew the same size as him. Siren head stepped back in surprised, remembering that Cartoon cat can shape-shifted. He didn't care though, he thought it would be easy to kill him this way now that he's big like him.

Cartoon cat punched siren head and bit onto his shoulder. His sirens roared out loud and scratched Cartoon cat's stomach, making him pull away. He yelped, seeing his black blood drip onto the floor and snarled at siren head. I watched as they were fighting, I thought about helping Cartoon cat but I wasn't sure though. I didn't want to get hurt or worse get killed. But Cartoon cat is helping me and he might change his attitude if I help him. I looked around inside the shed to see if I can find anything useful. I spotted a shotgun and grinned, I grabbed the shotgun and placed the bullets inside. "Hopefully this would hurt it" I mumbled, stepping outside to see that they were still fighting. I raised the shotgun and made it point at siren head, I pulled the trigger and heard his screams get louder. I hurt my ears but I kept shooting, Cartoon cat looked at me in worry and in shock. He shook his head and looked back at siren head, punching, clawing and biting him again. Siren head was becoming weaker and couldn't fight back. Cartoon cat noticed and laughed maniacally and teared off one of his sirens. Siren head yelled in so much pain and kicked Cartoon cat's legs. He grunted in pain and bit the other siren off, he stopped moving and layed on the ground. Cartoon cat panted heavily and turned back to normal, he quickly ran up to me and hugged me tightly. He was shaking and his fur was puffed up, I looked up at him with concern. "C-Cartoon cat, are you okay" I asked, he nodded and pulled away looking around me to see if I had any cuts or bruises. "Why did you step out of the shed, he could've killed you!" He yelled. "I-I was just trying to help" I frowned. "I didn't need any help, don't do that again okay" I rolled my eyes and nodded, he saw him holding the shotgun and snatched it away from me. "Hey! I need that!" I shouted at him. "No! This is dangerous, you could hurt yourself" he glared at me. "Why do you care, all you do is keep me inside your disgusting place and only feed me people. I'm not like you Cartoon cat, I'm supposed to be living in my house where it's safe and cozy for me. I feel sick, cold and tired and I want to go home. I'm sick of you telling me what to do and hurting me, thinking that this is okay to you. If you love me then stop acting like an asshole and treat me better, by giving me normal food and giving me a clean room and bed. I hate you and I will never love you, You treat me like shit and I've had enough with it. Now stop being a jerk to me and leave me alone!" I yelled with anger.

Cartoon cat looked down at me in shock, he's never heard me shout at him like that before. He felt kinda bad now, realising how hurt I felt. He's never been in a relationship before, so he was struggling how to treat a girl nicely. His ears flatten down and walked back to his territory, not dragging me with him like he always does. I frowned and watched him walk away, now leaving me all by myself. "Did I...went too far?" I whispered with a small frown on my face. Should I feel bad for yelling at him, or should I feel happy that I stood up to him, not feeling afraid. I didn't know what to do now, should I talk to him or should I go back home. I think he's not gonna stop me this time if I leave.

1.  Talk to Cartoon cat


2. Go back home

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