Chapter 9

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I couldn't stay here any longer, I need to leave. I couldn't bare to see Cartoon cat kill poor, innocent people. When I hear the bones snapping and crunching, when I smell the rotten flesh. It makes me sick to my stomach. He expects me to live in this dump and not shower and only eat humans. Hell no, I'm not doing that until I die. But what's the point anymore, I know when I escape from him, he's just gonna find me and take me back here. It was getting ridiculous, I just wanna go home and see my father. I'm hoping he's alright and they haven't hurt him, or even worse eaten him. I was lost in thought that I didn't noticed Cartoon cat stepped into the room. His mouth, chest and hands were covered in blood. His eyes were huge with little red dots in them. I immediately snapped out of my thoughts, when I smelt something so revolting. I looked behind me to see Cartoon cat stare at me. I yelped and jumped off the bed, stepping away from him. I Held my nose tightly and covered my eyes. "Ew! Cartoon cat, that smells horrible" I yelled. "Eh, you'll get use to it toots" he shrugged, licking his fur clean. If he didn't had that blood on him, I would've found that cute. But to be honest blood or not he doesn't look cute at all. I glared at him and went towards the corner. "I can't stand the smell, I'm about to throw up" I thought, feeling something in my stomach. My eyes widened and I threw up onto the floor. Cartoon cat looked at me and scrunched up his nose, turning away from me. "Your disgusting" he mumbled. "I-I'm disgusting!? You f-fucking eat p-people!" I yelled at him while coughing. Cartoon cat said nothing and looked down, fidgeting with his long fingers. I wiped my my mouth and walked up to him, wobbling a bit. "I-I'm sorry, I can't stand the smell" I said, my throat getting sore. "It's okay I guess, I'll clean myself after I ate my food" he sighed. "Humans aren't food!" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes they are, their meat!" He yelled back. "Can't you eat something else, like chicken or something!" I asked. "What? Ew, no. That's gross" he stuck out his tongue.

I facepalmed and sat on the other bed, the smell was now gone and I could now breathe properly. "So, what do you do other then eating people?" I spoke. "Well, I mostly get some fresh air or mess around with humans" he responded, his tail swishing side to side. I was about to say something, when he interrupted. "Why aren't you afraid of me?" He said, looking at me. "Uh, I'm still a little bit scared of you, but not entirely scared" I said. He grumbled and stood up, making me confused. "Let's go for a walk or something, it's getting hot in here" he said. "Hot? It's freezing, good thing I'm wearing my jumper" I spoke. Cartoon cat rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, dragging me outside. "You know you could've told me to follow you instead of dragging me" I mumbled. Cartoon cat looked around to see if there were creatures nearby, his ear twitched as his eyes went slit. "Okay, we can leave" he quitely spoke, I sighed and followed him. "Where are we going?" I questioned him. "No where, were only walking around for a bit and then were heading back to my territory" he said. I nodded and continued following him. "Why do you look so nervous?" "Why do you keep asking so many questions?" Why is he being such a jerk, I was only asking him why he looked so nervous. Cartoon dog is a bit nicer then him. I really need to escape him and fast, He's pissing me off. Well he has been lonely for years, he probably doesn't know how to be kind to someone. "Why are you being so rude to me?" I scowled.  "What? I'm not being rude to you" he replied, his eyes widening a bit. "Yes you are, it's not nice"

"Oh...I'm sorry. I have no idea how to be kind to someone" he said, rubbing his arm. "Well, that was nice, apoligizing to me" I smiled. Cartoon cat smiled back and before he could tell you something, I loud bang made you both jump in surprise. "W-what was that!?" I yelled. Cartoon cat didn't say anything and listened closely to the sound. The banging happened again and he began to growl. "It's him" he snarled, his voice going deeper. "W-who?" I stuttered. "Siren head, quick hide somewhere before he sees you" he said, pushing me gently. I shakily nodded and ran off to hide. I looked around and all there was were trees and bushes. Who was siren head and who is making that loud banging. I was beginning to get frightened, whoever this siren head thing sounds creepy and dangerous. I then relized that I can now leave, but should I? Cartoon cat might find me again and punish me. I don't want that happening. I decided it be best to hide and be forced to live with him. I couldn't do anything, I even tried to kill him yesterday and it didn't even kill him. He did bleed, but it wasn't red, it was black like ink. I forgot to ask him where he came from, but I'm not sure if he'll get mad or not. I shook my head and noticed a tiny shed. I sprinted up to it and opened the crooked door, stepping inside. I panted heavily and begin waiting. The banging continued and was getting more and more closer. Was it this siren head doing that, is this thing huge. I started to panic, my heart pounding. This was freaking me out, I wish I was at home sleeping in my nice, cozy bed. I miss my friends, brother and my dad. I sat down and begin to cry.

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