Chapter 8

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As mothman arrived at Cartoon cat's territory, he flew down and looked around for him. "Cartoon cat, I've got her!" Mothman called out. I was getting anxious, I didn't want to see him. What if he grabs me and tears me apart, or eats me while I'm still alive. So many awful thoughts roaming around my head, that it nearly made me sick. As I was lost in thought I didn't relize Cartoon cat approaching. "Took ya long enough" I heard Cartoon cat scoff. My eyes widened and I looked up to see his irritated look. Shocked as Cartoon cat hovered over me, the razor sharp teeth stretch into a demented grin. I had no control of my body, I froze, petrified. "Hello darlin" he spoke, grabbing me. The more I stared at him, the more hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I couldn't speak or move, I just stared. "Thanks for getting her, you can leave now" Cartoon cat said to Mothman. He nodded and flapped his wings, flying away. Cartoon cat stepped inside the abandoned mall and went back to the room he made me sleep in. He walked inside and placed me on the dirty bed.  Before I could say anything, I saw him climb on the bed and began crawling towards me. I shrieked in horror and crawled back. My back hit the wall and I was about to jump of the bed and run. But his gloved hands snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I was shaking like a leaf, closing my eyes tightly waiting for the pain to come. But nothing came, instead I fell something wet and long slide up my cheek. I immediately opened my eye and saw Cartoon cat's tongue out. "He licked my cheek?!?!" I felt disgusting and wiped the saliva with my sleeve. "Why'd you lick me?!" I yelled. He didn't response, just held me close to him. "I missed you" he whispered, licking my cheek again. I was very confused and grossed out at the same time. "Why hasn't he killed me still and why does he keep licking me?" I thought.

"Why haven't you killed me yet?!" I angirly said. Cartoon cat lifted his head and looked down at me. His ear twitched whilst his tail flicked side to side. "I-I don't know, you make me feel weird everytime your with me" he mumbled. I raised my eyebrow and glared at him. "Why is it so hard for you to not kill me?!" I shouted at him. "He's a phycho humanoid cat, he's killed lot's of people. What makes me so special to him" I thought, looking at him. "Love" he mumbled. "Excuse me?" I said, bewildered. "It's love" he looked down as his ears flatten. "Uh, do you know what love is?" I asked him, seeing him shake his head. "Tell me what it is, it might help me with this problem I'm having" he said. "Um, well. Love is when your in love with someone and you want to protect them and care for them. Like your boyfriend or girlfriend or your family or anything else you love." I told him. "I'm not really good at explaining things like this, but that's what love is" Cartoon cat nodded and hugged me again. "I love you" he said. "What?!" I said, in surprise. "You make my cold heart warm up and you make me happy" he replied. "Your cute and beautiful and I want to be with you for the rest of my life" I blushed and looked away. "Y-you like me? Then why were you being so harsh to me?" I questioned. "I'm like that to other humans and monsters. I've never been in love before, I've been alone for years" he responded. For some reason I kinda felt bad for him. I know he tried to kill me a few times and he's been rude to me. But he didn't know what love was and he's been lonely for that long. I said nothing and just hugged him back. "Why do you kill people?" I suddenly asked. "I dislike eating food what you humans eat, people like you taste much better" he answered. I felt like gagging, I shouldn't of asked that. "Speaking about humans, I'm starting to get hungry"

Cartoon cat sat up and gently placed me down. I wanted to tell him that killing people was wrong, but he shush me before I could speak. His ears twitched again as his eyes grew bigger. "Someone is here" he whispered, quietly running to where he heard the sound from. I sighed deeply and sat back on the bed. There was no point in warning that person. Cartoon cat would get mad at me and try to punish me. I guess he's okay, just creepy and strange. "Maybe I should ask him where he came from and ask about the other monsters. How come this wasn't on the news if Cartoon cat kills humans?" I questioned. I needed answers from him, hopefully he would tell me about them. I then jumped as I heard loud screaming and crying coming from a man. I frowned and felt guilty, I could've at least try to help him, but I just stayed here. The yelling and cries went silent and all I heard now was bones being crunched and soft giggles coming from Cartoon cat. I shivered and covered my ears. I didn't want to hear any of that, I was already disgusted enough about this building and the horrible smell.

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