a u t h o r ' s • n o t e

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welcome to honeydew! :)

I'm going to try to keep this A/N straight to the point so you don't get as bored reading it.

There are some serious things I want to address about this book, so bare with me shawties.

1. I am a Harry Styles stan, meaning tpwk (treat people with kindness). If you have something mean to say, bite your tongue and hop of my page please and thank you. This is less of a threat but more of a cautionary statement: any negative comments towards me or any other individual will be deleted, and I will mute your ass faster than you can say "chicken pot pie". try me.

2. This is my first book I'm putting out for others to read. There will be mistakes (ex. grammar, spelling, or other things like that). I encourage you (my besties) to point any out if you catch them, but please do so politely. I am posting this book mainly to have fun putting my work out there in a community of people I trust, and I would love if we could keep that love and trust going strong.

3. If you decide to reference to me, my name is Riti >:) I would love to chat with any and all of you !!

4. At points you may feel this book is cliché. If you're unsettled by it, I would entirely encourage you to click of the book. I promise, I really don't mind. I attempted not to make it so, but at the end of the day it is what it is.

5. One of the character's fathers is oftentimes referred to as "Daddy". Although I do joke around with the "daddy kink" with friends and in some comments on this website, I do not actually agree with the idea of it. Simply because I still call my own father "Daddy" and will proceed to until my last day on this Earth. Please do not romanticize it or make it weird when you see it. Let people have their own perceptions and preferences please and thank you.

6. The male MC in this book (Ryland) has a bit of a potty mouth. My mans curses. If you're uncomfortable with that, maybe this book is not the best for you. love you though <3

7. The female MC in this book (Lizzie) is a bit hyper and random at the best of times. If you find her annoying, please don't tell me and just find another book. I love her with my whole heart 

8. Some characters in this book explore their sexualities and participate in same sex relationships. I'm a passionate mf ally, and if you have an issue with any of these two sentences, kindly get tf out of here <3

9. There are POC (people/person of color) characters in this book. In fact, one of the main characters (Sam) is one. Got an issue? If so, bye bye.

10. There are mentions of suicide in this book. TWs (trigger warnings) will be attached in each chapter referencing to them explicitly, but if it is an uncomfortable topic for you, feel free to skip those chapters.

11. Updates will probably be whenever I complete the chapters, so I don't feel restricted by a schedule. If this book gets anywhere, maybe then I'll consider being a bit more organized and create a consistent schedule.

12. I'll only mention this once in this A/N and then I will never speak of it again. Voting and commenting really supports me as an author, so please don't feel shy to show your love that way. If you are more of a silent reader, don't worry bae I understand, I used to be one too >:)

okok now for the technical things

All Rights Reserved © 2022 teddywhores

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE i'm begging you don't copy my work anywhere else, use it any manner without my permission, or anything else of the sort. this work is entirely mine, and any similarities it has with other books are purely coincidental. i will work to get anything taken down that uses my work in any way without giving me proper credit and has my consent.

And last of all, thank you for clicking on this book! Whether you decide to give Honeydew a chance or not, I'm grateful for you clicking on this book at all. 

<3 love you all, and if you're sticking around, i hope you enjoy !!

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