chapter ten

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Ryland's POV

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Ryland's POV

tommy: she actually said you have a nice smile???

lennon: aww u guys are so cute

me: shut up.

It would probably take some very high stakes for me to admit how many times I had replayed Lizzie's words in my head.

"You have a nice smile."

Two days later and I'm still thinking about it.

If it meant anything to her, I'd smile as many times as she wanted me to.

That hour with her was probably the most I'd smiled in my life, and even more embarrassingly, I have to stop myself smiling when I think about that day.

tommy: how'd she even get you to smile?

lennon: we almost never see you smile

tommy: c'mon ry-bosome, smile for us

lennon: :)

tommy: :)

I drop my phone on my bed, ignoring the buzz of what are probably a million more smiley-faces.

Come to think of it, I don't actually know what she specifically did. Maybe it's how she told increasingly bad jokes and laughed at them, or maybe it's the way she played with a strand of her hair when she was really focused. Maybe it was the way she thought Lennon's name was Lia, or the way she couldn't look into my eyes for some reason.

Maybe it's because of her smile.

Trudging over to my bed, I turn off my phone, officially silencing the muffled buzzes coming from it.

Sweet silence.

In the quiet, I can now hear a faint hum of violin playing from downstairs, dancing its way through the air and past my closed door, right into my room.

I recognize the tune as a song my parents had been playing for years;

Salut d'amour - Elgar

For as long as I can remember, my parents would dance around the living room to the song, humming it together under their breath.

"This song is the sound of love," My dad told me on a rainy afternoon at the age of ten. "When I hear this song, I picture the woman I love."

"Mom?" I shudder in disgust.

"For me, yes." He laughs. "But one day, you'll be able to see the person you love."

Confusion draws my eyebrows together and I ponder over the words. "What does that even mean?"

He pokes me in the chest before relaxing against the back of the sofa, closing his eyes with a smile.

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