chapter eight

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Ryland's POV

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Ryland's POV

The Washington Weekly. The Double W.

Apparently, that's the name of our school's newspaper.

It's dumb as fuck.

The pun is trash, the alliteration could be more creative, and it's boring.

But apparently, Lizzie likes it. So now, so do I.

According to what she said on Wednesday, everyone on the paper meets up every Friday to review what's been done, and then the photographer and faculty advisor stay back a little longer and officially organize everything, so the paper for the upcoming week is ready to be published Monday morning.

Admittedly, I was annoyed as shit to learn I'd have to spend extra time with some fucker to put together a newspaper I don't actually care about, but by some miracle, it was clarified that 'some fucker' was Lizzie Cooper herself.

Friday's are now declared my favorite day of the week.

I'm a lucky man, what can I say?

The paper has a pretty tight schedule. It would take up every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week.

That information meaning, I had to officially quit soccer to join.

I've played soccer for the school team since 7th grade. First the middle school team, and then the high school varsity team. So, I guess it's fair to say the sport means a good bit to me.

But I'm not too beat up over quitting, just for the mere fact that Lizzie means much more.

Being the lucky ass bitch I am, today just happens to be Friday. Although this does mean I have to meet a whole new group of idiots, an extra hour or so guaranteed to be alone with Lizzie is worth that.

A long 45 minutes of math class later, the bell rings, signaling the end of the last class of the day, and for me, the beginning of my heaven.

I begin to quickly shove everything in my backpack this time, much more eager than before to get upstairs and see Lizzie.

Something about how comfortable she was with me on Wednesday stayed on my mind many hours after we had both left the computer lab. She's like this ray of sunshine; the only person that has ever made me want to be around them.

I don't even look up at the body now standing by my desk, instinctually knowing it was Tommy.

"What's got you in such a hurry?" I only pause briefly to look up at him unimpressed, before tossing my last book in my bag and zipping it up.

"You know who." I grumble, pushing in my chair and walking from my desk in the back through the sea of chairs to the door.

"Oh yeah, Lizzie." I don't turn around to see the smirk probably on his face, only continuing to walk ahead to the stairs leading up to the computer lab.

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