chapter seven

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TW: implicit reference to suicide

TW: implicit reference to suicide

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Lizzie's POV

Lavender candles are life.

I think I'm in love with the color purple. If purple was a person, I'd marry it.

With that being said, my favorite color is green.

I just bought 3 lavender candles.The reason being that I thought they looked really cute, and there was a sale, and I really like purple things.

I feel scammed.

I mean it's not like someone stole my money or anything. I just feel like they shouldn't leave them at the front of the store where they know I'm going to see them, tell myself I shouldn't buy them, see the sale, cave, and spend eight dollars on three jars of wax I really don't need.

The system is corrupt.

I feel like people just say that at every minor inconvenience. Or maybe that's just me.

After my shameful purchase, I walked to Courier park to mentally mourn my ten dollar bill and the change I let them keep.

Sat at a bench, I feel like the breeze dance around my body, pushing my hair back swiftly. I criss-cross applesauce my legs, and even though my jeans are baggy, the holes push to my skin, chilling the surface.

I kinda knew it was mildly windy, but that can't stop me from wearing the cutest baby pink shirt I got a couple days ago, even though it has a square neck and exposes my shoulders and a little bit of my chest.

I'm such a risk taker.

I'm dying of hypothermia.

I'm pretty sure I'm a terrible person for thinking it, but sometimes I wonder what would happen if I faked my death.

I should do that to Sam.

Speaking of Sam, he will not leave me alone about Ryland joining the paper yesterday.

Heck yeah, I know that mothertrucker's name.

It's basically all he talked about at lunch today. I really had no idea he was such a big deal.

"You're telling me Ryland Andrews joined the school newspaper?" Sam looked at me, mouth agape.

"Yeah, his friend Tyler told me he wanted to at the store, and then he stopped by the computer lab. He's the photographer now." I smiled lightly.

What's even happening right now?


"I think it was Taylor or something actually." I say sheepishly.

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