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Lmao, so sorry I haven't been posting :) here's the next part!

WC: 936

Summary: you tell Tamaki about ur parents and he's so sweet and apologetic that u get annoyed and when he gets home you apologize 

Includes: Angst/Fluff

Disclaimer: mostly angst and fluff in this chapter, no smut. Some touchy subjects for y/n but that's mostly it. enjoy!

F/M, established relationship, Fem!readerXtamaki


"Why won't you let your parents visit?" Tamaki inquired for the 17th time in a row. "Because they don't want to" you lied, scrolling through Instagram, annoyance growing.

"You're lying" Tamaki stated as if you didn't know. "Tell me. Please" he pleaded, his puppy dog eyes meeting yours. "No" you said, turning back to your phone. "Bunny" he whined, sitting down next to you and draping your legs over his. "I deserve to know" he whispered, his voice sounding hurt and he was right. He did deserve to know. After all you fully intended on spending the rest of your life with him. "They're dead" you said, glancing at him. His face fell in shock and then to skepticism. He thought you were joking. "When I was 15 they died." You said bluntly, feeling Tamaki's massaging fingers still on your leg.

"I-I- how did I not know? How could you not tell me? I'm- sorry" Tamaki hung his head but all you could do was watch him. Why did you feel bad about this? It was your truth to tell whenever you wanted to. "I'm sorry too" you said quietly, turning to face your phone to avoid Tamaki's reddening complexion. "Wh- what happened?" Tamaki stammered cautiously. "It was a car accident and they died. It was over in an instant. There was no pain. That's what the doctors said." You said, laying out the information for Tamaki. "I'm so sorry bunny. I had no idea. I'm sorry" Tamaki apologized again and again. "Stop it." You said abruptly standing up. "Would you just stop it?" You asked harshly, your face twisting with anger. "You're so fucking annoying" You knew Tamaki had done nothing wrong but you also couldn't take out your anger anywhere else. He was so sorry for something he hadn't done. He was so nice and it made you unexplainably infuriated but he had opened up old wounds. Wounds that had never healed. That had only been closed harshly, with little care. The stitches ragged and popping. This was too much to talk about in one go and you hadn't anticipated your reaction or his apologies You stood up abruptly as Tamaki's expression shifted to confusion before he rose from the couch and started to walk away. "Fuck Tama- please I didn't- I didn't mean it. Please" you begged weakly, your face shifting from anger to guilt in a second as you turned to face his receding figure. Tamaki was visibly upset but he didn't say anything. He just grabbed his coat quickly and walked out the door. How had this even happened? What even was that? You shouted internally to yourself, balling up your hands and punching the coffee table. "Ah shit!" You shouted, blood beading on your knuckles. Thankfully your coffee table remained uninjured as you stumbled to the bathroom, swearing loudly. You ran your hand under some cool water, wrapping it quickly in a bandage to stop the bleeding before collapsing onto your couch. What in the actual hell had you just done?

You had very literally spent the whole day moping around. Avoiding your phone purposely and instead trying to find the most interesting part of your white popcorn ceiling. You changed into your pajamas when it started getting dark and cooked some dinner. You figured you'd start with an apology dinner and work up to words from there. But then again what were you apologizing for? Yelling right. You cooked Tamaki's favorite. Salmon and potatoes with a glass of red whine, his guilty pleasure. Then you paced the entire length of the apartment about five trillion times worrying about Tamaki and where he was. You grabbed your phone off the coffee table. No calls, no texts. Then the door burst open. "Tama?" You questioned, poking your head down the hall. He grunted in response and you heard the thumping of his boots on the floor as he shuffled to the kitchen plopping down in front of his food. You approached him, quietly sitting across from him. You fidgeted with your fingers. Tama had never made you feel so small before and he wasn't even doing anything. "I'm sorry. You were just apologizing for something that wasn't your fault and I was mad cuz I didn't tell you and you seemed hurt and I'm jealous-" you rambled but Tamaki cut you off

"j- jealous?" He quirked an eyebrow. "I mean, yeah." You said, eyes cast downward.

"I- I- I didn't know. I s- shouldn't have p- pried." Tamaki said, his usual stuttering self returning. "I- I- it's not your fault." Tamaki said now restraining from shoveling his meal into his mouth.

"I guess" you said dejectedly, rising from your seat and swiping under your eyes, checking for tears. He was so goddamned understanding and you didn't deserve him.

"B- bunny? Y- y- you don't think it's your f-fault. D- do you?" He walked up behind you, stringing his hands around your waist and kissing your head softly. "C'mere bunny" he said, voice smooth as he twirled you around. "It's okay bunny" he pulled you against his lean chest and you inhaled his outdoorsy scent.

You cuddled closer to him. It was late, almost 3am and you were up. Tamaki's back was turned to you so you moved as close as you could. Looping one arm around his stomach and laying your chin close to his shoulder, his hair tickling your nose. In the morning he would ask if you were okay, and blush himself crimson, witnessing your position so close to him, still trying to fathom why anyone would love him. 

Tamaki Amajiki oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang