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WC: 1578

Summary: In bed Tamaki teases you when your heart rate speeds up after he lays a hand on your stomach. You realize he's horny and...stuff happens.

Includes: Smut/Fluff

Tamaki flops down next to you, staring up at the ceiling as you read a book next to him. It's late and you're both laying in bed trying to decompress from a super stressful week. You hear Tamaki sigh loudly next to you but you keep your eyes on the page. You have to read more. It was your New Years resolution after all. You skim the page, registering around zero percent of the words as Tamaki shuffles around next to you. You feel him reach over and settle the palm of his hand on your stomach. Your breath instantly hitches but you remain focused on the page in front of you. Words. Words. And oh look! Some more words. You squint trying to focus. It's just a palm it's just his hand it's ju-

"someone's getting a little riled up"

Tamaki interrupts your thoughts, seeing right through you.

"I- uh. No?" You try to play dumb because that totally always works but Tamaki laughs next to you. You ignore him and keep reading but now you're hyper focused on his hand. The way his fingers feel pressing against your skin and the weight of his palm on your stomach. Your chest rises and falls and Tamaki looks over at you. Your cheeks are burning and you finally look up from your book at him. You glare and he smirks.

"Stop it Tamaki" you say, embarrassed. He presses his hand down a little harder and you glare at him.

"I-I can't focus, Tama." You try to sound annoyed but it comes out nervous instead.

"I can tell." He smirks. Your heart rate is whack for sure. You can feel it.

"Just go entertain yourself Tamaki I'm trying to read." You shoo him away.

"But we haven't seen each other all day, bunny." He whines, his voice close to your ear as he leans over. He kisses your cheek and your glare lessens. He kisses down your neck and you groan at how good it feels.

"Tama" you sigh and Tamaki responds, "hmm princess? Let me take care of you." he hums into your neck.

"Princess? Really??" You don't hate it but it makes you feel... weird. And not in a good way.

"you don't like that?" He asks, sucking at your neck. Your book falls down into your lap.

"n-n-no. I like being your bu-bunny." You stutter partially because you're nervous he won't like that you don't like princess and partially because no hickey should ever feel that good.

"Of course my bunny." He whispers, licking your neck slightly. You bite your lip but a tiny moan escapes.

"Isn't this so much better than a book?" Tamaki asks and you reply, "you know. Knowledge is power."

His laugh at this is sweet and smooth like melted chocolate. His hair tickles your cheek and you resist the urge to run your fingers through it as he says, "hmm. And sex is..." he trails off and you snort.

"We're not gonna have sex tonight baby." His face falls in an almost comical manner and you turn to face him.

"bunnyyy." He whines but you know he's joking. He would never force anything on you. You lean into him and press a kiss to his forehead and he nuzzles into your neck. But you can tell he's horny as hell. As you scooch closer to him you feel his hard on through his pajama pants. You reach down and palm him and he groans. "Fuck."

His head comes up from your neck and you kiss his lips, still palming his length.

"B-bunny. I ca- can't. I- uh- I don't want to. If- if you aren't." Tamaki stammers, a blush painting his pale face. When you look at his eyes his pupils are dilated and the way he stares makes him look pained.

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