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WC: 754

Summary: Tamaki falls asleep at his desk and has a wet dream. When he wakes up you tease him about it.

Includes: Fluff/Smut

You sat still on the bed. Open in front of you was your laptop sitting untouched for the last two minutes with your research paper open. The only sound was the computer fan whirring and heating up the baby blue bedspread on Tamaki's standard dorm room bed. On the left side of the room was a simple white wood desk scattered with papers and about three half empty mugs of tea. At it, Tamaki sat on an uncomfortable rolly chair slumped over his work, sound asleep. Well not "sound" asleep. You turned back to your work but you heard Tamaki's familiar whimper again and you jerked your head up. You knew for sure now he was having a dream and you sure as hell hoped it was about you. He moaned into his arm and you stiffened. For the last two minutes this is what was happening but he hadn't once said your name and you hadn't typed another word.

Then finally, he groaned, "y/nnnnn" he bucked his hips once. This sure was a vivid dream. He gasped out your name but then stopped abruptly. His head lifted from his arm and you slid your gaze back to your computer. In your peripheral vision you saw him flush and then wipe off some excess drool from his face as he righted himself and stacked up some papers. He didn't turn the chair around and you knew exactly why. You cleared your throat. "That was quite the dream you were having huh." You could practically feel his eyes dart frantically, feel the heat creeping up his cheeks. He cleared his throat.

"Uh yeah. Yeah." He said. His voice was raw still. you swallowed.

"Can I ask what it was about?" you prompted, eager

"no." he replied quickly before back pedaling, "not anything bad."

"oh I'm sure. It sounded really really good to me." you smirked

"It was one of those dreams...that I really wanted to finish." he frowns and you almost choke

"Shit Tamaki, no need to be so straightforward."

"ah, I-i thought t-that's what you were- were prompting." he blushed harder than you thought was possible

"No, I was. Just didn't expect you to give up your secrets so fast."

"It's not a secret that I like you."

"What was the dream?" you asked. This could be good.

"u-uhm...I dunno, it was a bit- graphic?"

"mhm and..?"

"Just work on your research or something! Don't you have something better to do than make me feel like the world's most uncomfortable boyfriend?" He picked up his pencil and grabbed one of his papers.

"Let's see...nope. I really want to do this." You say after pretending to think for a bit.

"Your procrastination will not involve me." He says starting to scribble something down on the paper.

"You know..." you pause to make sure Tamaki is listening "writing down your dreams both helps you remember them and helps you have more in quantity and vividness" you say slowly.

"Hmm, well aren't you the eloquent one?" He replies, avoiding your remark.

"Yes. I think you should write it down for me." You can't resist the urge to poke the bear

"That's what Wattpad's for my sweet bunny" he says in a slightly condescending tone. You bite your lip.

"I would rather it be a bit more personal." You slide off the bed and walk up behind his chair, leaning over his shoulder.

"B-bunny I have work to- to do."

He stutters as you look down at his crotch.

"So do I" you reach down and palm his bulge. His eyes almost flutter shut but he manages to maintain composure. "Is this why you didn't want to turn around?" You ask sweetly.

"I don't k-know what you're talking about." He stammers.

"Of course you do, baby." You whisper now. "Tell me what I was doing in this dream of yours"

"I- uhh... this. You were doing this" his eyes shut finally as you apply more pressure to your hand.

"Just this?"

He moans softly and his pencil clatters to the desk.

"Y-you did some- some other things too." He said quietly before groaning out.

"More specific" you say, moving your other hand to his mouth. "You're going to have to be quiet. We share this dorm with other people you know" you say as you push your thumb between his lips.

"You- gave me a handjob" he exhales around your thumb and you press down on his tongue.

"Okay now be a good boy and be quiet."

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