Cheater part 1

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WC: 2316

Summary: you cheat on Tamaki with Izuku in the empty UA auditorium 

Includes: Angst/Smut


"Y/n wait up!" A voice sounding like Izuku Midoriya calls after you. You pause, scowling inwardly and biting your lip. Long time crush and best friend of Tamaki bounds up to you. 

Having a crush on your boyfriend's best friend was not ideal and you knew that which is why you had been attempting to distance yourself from Izuku but it was useless. You ran in the same circles. There was no escape. And, he was catching on. He would wink and smirk and it did nothing to soothe the butterflies in your stomach every time he approached. Izuku was no longer the little boy you had met in freshman year. The short, pretty boy with a hidden strength who was too anxious to even speak a single sentence to a girl. Now he was taller, more muscular, hot, and girls were the ones who stuttered when talking to him. 

"What?" You turn around. People file out of the auditorium around you and the crowd surges forward, pushing Izuku closer. You step to the side and a sweaty Midoriya comes to stand next to you. His green and black hair flops in his eyes in a way you're sure he can't see. 

"Can you see with your hair like that?" You ask as he catches his breath. 

"Yeah" he says. "Look, I feel like you've been avoiding me so I think I should confront you about this before you completely extricate me from your life." He exhales. 

 "Confront me about what?" You gnaw on the inside of your cheek silently, waiting. 

"Your crush on me." He pauses, gauging your reaction but you keep your face impassive. 

"What makes you think I'm in love with you? If you haven't noticed, I'm one of the only girls who hasn't fallen at your feet because you made eye contact." You spit out. 

"I never said you were in love with me. Though... I suppose it's possible." He mocks an inquisitive face. 

"Don't get ahead of yourself Midoriya." Your lip curls. 

"Aw y/n I thought we were on a first name basis." He says, in fake offense. "Anyways, it's pretty obvious when you see the evidence," he says slowly. 

What evidence? You always acted as nonchalant as possible around Izuku for this very reason. But his detective skills had outmatched you again. Or maybe you were just too obvious. 

"So many bathroom breaks, so much staring and lip biting. And giggling too. Y/n you never smile unless I say something or Amajiki does. It's like you're emotionless or something." He pauses, "oh wait, now you're glaring. I think that counts as emotion showing" his sarcastic tone is making you feel weird but aside from that feeling there is also anger. You choose anger. 

"Why the fuck does that mean anything? Why are you wasting my time? I'm in love with Tamaki and I'm going to marry him!" You shout at Izuku. Some people turn but they get swept out the door a second later. It's uncalled for and weird and it feels like you're trying to prove something to yourself more than to Izuku. 

"It's okay y/n. I have a crush on you as well." He whispers, looking almost sorry for making you angry. But under his guilt is a silent grin. 

"Oh fuck off" you turn on your heels and beeline for an opening in the crowd. But Izuku yanks your arm back and shoves you to the other side of the wall. 

"Give me a chance y/l/n" 

"Oh please. You sound pathetic and desperate. Don't embarrass yourself." You ignore how your heart rate is increasing and how you're fighting the intense urge to kiss Izuku with his green eyes staring at you like that. 

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