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WC: 1774

Summary: You makes Tamaki wear a vibrator when you're on live television and torture him until he comes.

Includes: Smut

You knew how Tamaki got when he was horny but you also knew about his pretty bad social anxiety. You didn't want to be cruel but you did want to find a way to mix these two things together. And a week before your panel with Tamaki and the other two of the big three you figured out exactly how to do that. As you waited backstage for this panel to begin you tugged Tamaki away from the group. The stage director glared at you and asked where the hell you were going five minutes before go time.

You replied something about the bathroom and pulled Tamaki after you. He protested a little bit before you had gotten him to an empty hallway.

"Um bunny. What- are you doing?"

He looks confused but you quickly tell him.

"I have an idea. You don't have to say yes though." You say when Tamaki shuffles his feet. "I got this..." you proceed, pulling out a shiny black vibrator from your bag and placing it in Tamaki's palm. "It's a-"

"I know." Tamaki cuts you off, eyes glinting. Does he want to do this? Because it was really a shot in the dark on your part. The only kink of Tamaki's that you knew of was praising. Maybe he thought ... your mind blanks and you return to glancing at Tamaki's big brown eyes.

"You want me to put it in for the panel?" He asks slowly, connecting the dots. Now it's your turn to shuffle your feet awkwardly.

"Yes. I mean if you want." You back track. Tamaki nods one. "Okay sure but just- please be gentle?"

"No promises Tama." You smirk at the slightly scared look on his face before asking if he knows what to do with it. He nods once and for a short second you wonder how. Then he scurried into the bathroom before you can tell him anything else and the stage manager comes and pulls you backstage. The panel is about the love lives of the big three. (which is also another reason for your brilliant plan to take place at this event.) continuing though, that meant that each of the big three and their significant others had to come voluntarily and just chat about how they balance a work and personal relationship. A few minutes later Tamaki joined you, squirming a bit as he told you it was uncomfortable. They shoved you on stage and you quickly took your seat next to Tamaki. As he sat down you turned on the lowest setting of the vibrator and saw Tamaki's face immediately flush red. You stifled a giggle when he glared at you but you knew he couldn't (and wouldn't) do anything. As Izuku and his girlfriend started to talk to the interviewer about their dating life you placed your hand lightly on Tamaki's thigh next to you and he immediately froze. That is until you turned up the vibrator. He bit his lip harshly and you thought you saw him wince as Todoroki turned to him. "Bro what's wrong? Get your shit together." Todoroki had only tough love for Tamaki but that was their dynamic and Tamaki was chill with it. He couldn't risk releasing his lip from the tight grasp his teeth had on it so you rescued him.

"I think he's coming down with a cold or something." You leaned over and placed the back of your hand on his forehead, nudging the level in the vibrator up half a notch. He jerked under your touch and you smirked a little. The interviewer looked at you strangely and directed his bombardment of questions away from Todoroki and his boyfriend, to you.

"So you guys..." in Tamaki's mind his voice trailed off. The tightness in his abdomen was so much. Your hand on his thigh was only emphasizing his pleasure and it was getting quite difficult to keep his breathing steady. His thigh almost immediately started to shake under your grip as you chuckled inwardly.

"Ah, that's very interesting, what does Tamaki think?" The interviewer was clearly not satisfied with your answer to his questions and had moved on to Tamaki. And Tamaki was literally sweating, a bead forming at his hairline and dripping slowly down his face.

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