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WC: 769

Summary: you are stressed and resort to sex even though you don't feel like it.

Includes: Fluff/Smut


"C'mere" you tugged on Tamaki's tie, standing on your tiptoes to reach his lips with your own. He had just gotten home from work and frankly you couldn't wait any longer. It had been an unbelievably frustrating week at work and you were tired of all your shitty coworkers and all you needed was a bit of a release. Right? Or at least a distraction.

He put his hand on yours, "bunny. Is this what you want? I just- just got home." He seemed concerned but you couldn't tell why. Instead you just whined, "yes Tama" and pressed your lips to his, attempting to pull his body into yours. He dropped his bag on the floor with a thud giving you his full attention as he placed his hands on your waist, gripping firmly and tilting his head to kiss you deeper. He quickly walked you backwards with a leg in between yours as you followed his lead. You reached backward to fumble with the doorknob to the bedroom as Tamaki pushed you inside. "B-bunny" Tamaki stammered but didn't say anything else as you pulled him down with you. He started to strip, his shirt coming off first, followed by his pants and his boxers as you tugged down the straps of your summer dress. You put your hands on his shoulders, pulling him down before your hands strayed to his back muscles, exploring a bit before flattening your palms against him. You encouraged him by bucking your hips up as he aligned his cock with your entrance. You moaned but it sounded strangled. You shut your eyes quickly, this was what you needed. Tamaki slid in and you gasped. Suddenly you felt nauseous and suffocated. You gasped again as Tamaki moaned into your neck. You felt a tear trickle out of the corner of your eye. You felt it trail down your face and drip onto the bed followed closely by another one as Tamaki thrust into you again. Another tear. His cock bumped against your cervix. Your hands went limp on his back. He sucked on your neck, biting gently with his teeth. Another tear. He thrust into you again. Harder. You shut your eyes.

"S-so good bunny." He moaned.

It was too dark in the bedroom for him to see you the only light was the weak beams of sunlight that made it through your heavy curtains. The next sound you made was a gasp and then a sob. Tamaki stopped. You let out another sob bringing up your hands to cover your face. Tamaki pulled out slowly. Carefully. "B-bunny?" He asked tentatively. You could tell he was nervous. You turned away. What was wrong with you?

"Bunny. Oh shit. D-did I hurt you?" He touched your shoulder lightly.

You shook your head but then realized he couldn't see you.

"No." You were scared he would start apologizing but, to your surprise, he didn't.

"Oh bunny, it's okay" he murmured, stroking your hair softly. "It's okay."

"No it's not." Your voice was heavy and you knew Tamaki wouldn't know how to respond. You pushed the heels of your palms hard into your eyes until you saw light.

"Of course it is bunny." He murmured again and you hiccuped as another sob lodged in your throat.

"What's- what's wrong with m-me?" Your voice shook with the words and you felt Tamaki's chest still for a second like he had inhaled sharply and forgot to exhale.

"Nothing bunny. Nothing is wrong. Everything will be okay. We'll watch a movie and we can fall asleep on the couch. We don't have to do this." He said slowly. His voice was so even you wished he would never stop talking. Like his voice was the soundtrack of your life.

"B-but- this is supposed to feel- to feel good." You hiccuped, knowing you weren't making any sense.

"Not all the time bunny. Sometimes it's just not the right time." He reassured you, stroking your hair softly. You leaned over into him and he hissed.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry- I'm" you started sobbing again, gasping for air. There wasn't enough.

"Shhh sh sh it's okay."

"Let me" you reached for his still hard cock. He stopped you so quickly you would miss it if you blinked. "Absofuckinglutely not." He said and you couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to lead you- you on like that." you shake against him.

"It'll go away bunny I promise. Or I'll take care of it. It's all good, okay?"

"Y-yeah" you say softly.

He kisses your forehead, murmuring sweet nothings into your ear. 

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