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Hunter walked into Cid's office, she sat in the chair behind the desk.

"Have another mission for us?" He questioned. 

"That I do. I need you to pick up a girl, she will be on Tatoonine, Mos-Eisley." she said, activating a holo picture of her.

She was pretty, had her hair styled in a braid hanging down her right shoulder.
It was brown with blue ends.

"Anything else we need to know?" Hunter asked.

"She won't come voluntarily." Cid said.
Hunter nodded and exited into the main room. 

"Grab your gear, we're heading to Tatoonine." He said.

Rain wiped the table of the cantaina. Not her dream job but better than the Empire. She left when the war ended. Kamino was a vile place which she no longer wished to reside in. 

She finished her shift, and started to exit the building. She hated living alone. Especially in such a weird climate. So much different than the rain of Kamino. 

She was almost to her apartment when she grabbed her arm. Without thinking she grabbed theirs, flipped them on the ground.

"Omega you need to stay here, Mos Eisley is no place for a kid." Hunter said. 

"Why not?" She questioned.

"It's a place full of scum and villainy." He said, patting her shoulder. "We will be back in no time, it'll be fine." He said as they exited the ship. She looked after them sadly.

They rounded the corner and found the target walking alone. This would be easy. 

Hunter approached her and put a hand on her shoulder. Before he could speak he was flipped onto the ground. 

The rest of the batch withdrew their blasters. 

"Who are y'all?" She asked. "Empire send ya after me?" She asked. 

"No, we're here to take you." Wrecker said. Great wording choice, Tech thought to himself sarcastically.

"You're here to kidnap me then? You could serve jail time for that!" She informed them. 

"We were hired to take you back to our employer." Echo informed her. 

Hunter stood up and grabbed her shoulder again. She pushed him up and this time roundhouse kicked him to the ground.

"I should charge you with assault." She said pointing a finger at Hunter. 

"I barely touched you!" He pleaded. She rolled her eyes. 

"Yes, but without her consent." Tech piped in.

"Finally someone who is smart here. Anywho, to clear things up I'm not coming with y'all, got it?" She asked.
Starting to slowly walk backwards. 

"I don't think so." Hunter as he kicked her off her feet. 

She tried getting up but handcuffs were placed on her hands and feet. 

"Wrecker, grab her." Hunter said.

Wrecker picked Rain up and slung her over his shoulder much to her protest.  

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