05; The Team

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*In this story Kazutora did not kill Shinichiro*

"Let's get this meeting started." Mikey announced with tired eyes in front of the executives. "Kakucho are you healed?"

"I can walk but it'll take me a bit to be able to work fully." he announced putting his crutches away.

"Alright well, I have a few announcements." he says yawning.

"Mikey there is something I'd like to say as well." you say. In the corner of your eye you can see Sanzu and Ran sweating bullets.

"Let the boss go first." Takeomi demanded. You give up because the stress the men were spreading was crazy.

"First, Y/n you'll be a temporary substitute for Kakucho until he is fully healed."

Everyone's jaw drops especially yours. "B-But the accounting position!?"

"I don't trust anyone else to take Kakucho's position for now." he says glaring at the surprised men. "Will I-

"No questions, I have one more announcement."

"The underground Vertidcto mafia family has been providing our weapons in exchange of our protection of their family. As you all already know the heads daughter Vertidcto Sara. She has reached their traditional age of marriage so she will be arranged to marry one of you."

"Huh?!" you say by accident but looking around the table you saw no shock in anyones face.

"Are you not shocked?" you whisper to Kokonoi next to you. "Sure. but Sara is our angel, any of us would be lucky to be with her." he said.

You don't know why but your stomach and heart dropped to your feet. For as long as you remember you always wanted to be their favorite girl and be protected by these men but since you and Ran got close you didn't care anymore until you heard this.

"Who will it be?" you ask Mikey.

"Sara actually chose who she would like to be with and I had no objections. It'll be Haruchiyo."

When you heard him say Haru's name you felt your heart physically break. You convinced yourself that you don't love him anymore, he is toxic and never treated you well but you couldn't help feel angry and full of jealousy.

You turn your face to look at Haru's and he was fucking grinning.

"I'd be happy to." he laughs ignoring you.

Ran felt relief until he saw your face. 'What the fuck is she upset for?'

You put your head down hiding your teary eyes. "Y/n didn't you have an announcement as well?" Mikey asked.

At that moment you waned to get back at Sanzu so badly but something inside you didn't want to hurt him.

You stand up and kick your chair back hitting the wall.


"Spit it out Y/n" he says.

"I... I decline your offer for Kakucho's substitute. I'm abandoning you."

"So your declaring war?" Mikey gets up, his black orbs got sharper. "I am fucking declaring war."

All the executives stand up and pull out their gun pointing it at you. You put your hands up in the air "Wooooow I'm scared." you said sarcastically.

"This is the end for you. It was all your fault." he spat

Then suddenly the lights go off and it's pitch black.

You go for the window but before you do, you give Sanzu a kiss on the cheek and jump out. "Y/n hurry!" said a boy.

"Let's run Inui!" you say grabbing his wrist and making a run for it.

The lights turn back on.

"Where is the brat?!" Mochi shouted looking around. Sanzu squated down covering his face 'What the fuck have you done Y/n?'

"Shit." Ran shouted.

"Find her and kill her." Mikey demanded.

"Boss she's your sister." Kakucho said.

"It's her fault my brother is gone." he said avoiding Sanzu. "Start looking for her."


"Are you sure about this?" asked Inui leading you to your guyses secret hideout. "Well it's too late to go back." you chuckled. "Are the others here?"

"Yes." he replies. You guys reach the place and see your friends.

"I can't believe you did it." Kazutora said layed down on the couch.

"We quit the pet shop for this." Chifuyu added on.

"Man this is more fun!" Baji shouts.

"You're too loud!" Mitsuya rubs his ear.

"Hehe <3 this'll be fun." Hanma says.

"Why is he here?" Takemitchi points to Hanma.

"I MISSED YOU GUYS! You yell jumping on all of them. "Alright Alright." Inui says

All of you sit by the couch.

"Our plan to take on Mikey has begun." you said giving them a thumbs up. "This is crazy." Mitsuya says.

"I don't know how I feel about killing him." Baji says loosing his smile. "Mikey has lost it a while ago, he took Draken from us."

"If it wasn't for Y/n all of us would've been dead." Chifuyu said.

"What about Sanz- I mean Ran?" Inui asked.

There was silence and everyone knew something was up.

"Haru is getting married."

"HUH?!" They all said in sync. "SHHHH!"

"I'm sorry Y/n." Takemitchi said patting her shoulder. His comfrontation caused you to start sobbing. "I thought...I thought I love Ran not that.. that fucking bastard!" you sob in his arms. Everyones eyes widen to your reaction.

"Guys I didn't want to hurt him.. I don't know but he can't get married! I love him so much." you sob louder and louder.

"only love can hurt like this." Inui whispers to himself.

"Then let's crash the wedding hehe." Hanma grinned.

"Shut up Shuji! This isn't funny." Kazutora spat. "No. we'll crash it." Baji said.


You look up and see everyone grinning.

"Before that make up your mind." said a familiar female voice.

Everyone turns their attention to the door seeing Senju, Hina, Akane, and Yuzhua standing there.

"GIRLS!!" you say getting happy, you missed your girls.

"Oh baby don't cry." Akane says with her sweet voice petting your hair. "You'll break out if you keep crying." Yuzhua says handing you a tissues. "Gimme a hug!" Hina says hugging you tightly.

"Did you hear what I said?" Senju asked. "Hm?"

"Pick one. Ran or my brother." she said in a serious tone.

"Hey hey Senju calm down." Takemitchi said. "I do love both of them but Haru and I have something special." you say wiping your tears away.

"It's settled then Senju says smiling.

"Wait guys, what about Mikey?" Chifuyu asks.

"Let's get Sanzu on our side first the we can proceed." Mitsuya says. "Are you guys sure?" you ask.

They all nodded comforting you.


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