09; Love and war

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"Just getting in?" Takeomi asks as Kakucho enters the room slamming the door behind him.

"Looking tuff pretty boy" Sanzu laughs judging Kakucho. "I don't want to hear anything from you right now." he replied taking off his coat.

"Where have you been?" Kokonoi questions.

"Since when do I have to tell you guys my business?" Kakucho asks taking his shoes off.

"Guys stop with the questions, he was obviously with a girl tonight." Sanzu grins. All the men started whistling. But Kakucho just sighs.

He walks past all of them but when he reaches Sanzu he whisperers "She sends her blessing."

Sanzu doesn't loose his smile but closes his eyes while Kakucho walks away.

"What did he say was it actually a girl?" Ran asks curiously.

"Long time crush." he replies stepping away. "Ima knock out." he adds waving his hand.

"Night." all the men say.

Sanzu reaches his room and shuts the door. He walks towards his bed and plops down covering his eyes with the inside of his elbow.

"How'd it become like this?" he sobs while ongoing tears fall down his face.

"Just come back to me already you idiot." he covers his whole face with his pillow.

"How's Akane?" Mochi asks Koko.

"She's been better." he shrugs it off. "Are you still keeping her in your room like a prisoner?" Ran asks.

"I don't have a choice asshole. It's either that or Mikey kills her."

"Just run away with her." Takeomi suggested. Koko froze and looked at him but all of them started laughing hysterically besides him and Ran.

"I'm just kidding relax your shoulders." Takeomi said laughing.

"When are we pursuing the bitch?" Mochi asks. Ran shot him a deadly stare.

"Can you not look at me like that Ranny boy?" Mochi teases.

"I wanna fucking kill you." he grins his teeth. "Why are you so protective of her anyways?" Rindou asks. he has been quietly observing everything.

"He speaks!" Takeomi jokes. "Shut up."

"Y'all already know.." he looks down.

"You know she's in love with Sanzu and not you right?" Rindou points out catching a reaction from everyone in the room.

"SANZU AND Y/N?!" They all scream besides Ran. "Am i the only one who noticed?" he scratches his head.

"They're...ancient history. She's mine."

"You haven't even seen her since she ran off have you?" Kokonoi asks.

"Obviously I haven't."

"Listen I don't care about your love triangle, what I wanna know is...who's side are you on? Bonten or Y/n?" Mochi asks creating silence.


Rindou shot his brother a confused look.

'If I tell the truth right now I'll die' ran thought.

"Is that even a question. Bonten." He laughs ut off breaking the awkward tension.

"That's my bro." Rindou smiles.


"She's the reason he's dead. She fucking killed him." Mikey mutters to himself.

Sanzu opens the door without knocking and sees a knife approaching his face with max speed, he catches the blade leaving a big cut on the inside of his hand.

"Don't storm in." Mikey said nonchalantly.

"Sorry boss." he replied clenching his bloody fist to stop the bleeding.

"What do you need?! Look at your hand now it's ruined how will you get married like that?" Mikey shouts hitting his head.

"Some makeup will do. I have questions. Since we know Y/n's location will we be pursuing her right away or after the wedding?"

"DON'T MENTION HER NAME!" he shouts on the top of his lungs.


"Ughhhhgg" Mikey struggles ripping out his hair.



"I love her." he said.

"I know you fucking do. And that's why I'll kill you after the wedding." he breathed out.

"I have been loyal to you even after everything you fucking did!" Sanzu clenched his fist even harder.

"Go get that fixed." Mikey said pointing to his bloody fist. "I don't want to see you." he added.


"Do y'all think Mikey is in love with Y/n?" Kokonoi asks playing with his pen.

"You idiot they're siblings." Rindou says. "I know but I can't tell if he loves her to the point that he hates her or he hates her so much he loves her."

"That made no fucking sense." Ran added. "You dumbasses I don't mean in love like that, in a family way."

"Can you all shut the fuck up you're making my head hurt." Takeomi said downing a glass of wine.

"Hajime-san!" said one of their assistants.

"What do you want?" He asked annoyed. "Akane-san is asking for you."

"I'll be right there." he replied getting up.

"So when will we be able to see the princess?" Rindou asked teasing.

"Never." He replied leaving the room.

"WE'RE LEAVING NOW!" Mikey shouts storming in. All the men immediately rush outside to their cars.

"What's going on boss?" Ran asked. "Y/n has been spotted in city center, we're gonna get her right now." Mikey said.

'Fuck. What am I gonna do now...' Ran thought.

"You look stressed bro you alright?" Rindou asked his brother. "Uh yeah I'm good.." he brushed off his question.

"Don't kill her. We'll capture her." Mikey demanded.

"Boss, what are we going to do with her?" Ran asked. "I'm thinking the new torture methods we learned  from Veridcto."

"Boss that's-

"That's a great idea Boss." Sanzu interrupts smiling.

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