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" She spiked the drink of My friend Kailey and her boyfriend Kabir. And then intentionally threw them on the bed and took some photos that doesn't suit them well. And then after she came out of the room saying that Kailey slept with her boyfriend Kabir and started acting desperate, seeking everyone's attention. I have the video for the proof, here it is! "

y/n explained all the matter and showed the police officer the video in which she was doing exactly what Y/n said.
Glen started sobbing.

" wait you mean she spiked her boyfriend's drink and accused him of cheating on herself? "

" yes sir! "

" I think, she must be arrested for fake allegations against his boyfriend and spiking drinks. For further complaints, please meet us at the police station, mam! "

All people around her started whooping and clapping for her

" thank you, sir! "
The police officer started taking her away but she suddenly turns around to y/n.

"You bitch, are you happy after ruining my life, you know what? this all happened because of you"Kat suddenly said making everyone quiet, her eyes burning with outrage and smirking continuously.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked being confused

" do you remember y/n? When we were in high school, you were so famous everywhere. You had everything that a girl ever wanted. You were good at dance, you were good at sports, you were pretty, you had beautiful black hair with a perfect body, you had wonderful friends like Glen and Kailey who were too good as you, every guy was into you, even my crush Ranveer was chasing you. "

"I barely had 1-2 friends, which also talked about your greatness, your admiration. You even had a rich family, your father is a businessman, your mother is a famous model. You. Had. Everything. That. I. Wanted."

"I started noticing that from the day when you defeated me in a dance competition which was my dream, my everything. ' Can't you give me happiness ever once? Can't you let me win once ' I asked myself. You were so pathetic Y/n... So pathetic that you only wanted fame and everyone,s eyes on you"

" And from that day I decided to ruin you, so my first task was ruining your friendship so I hired Kabir, oh Kabir was so innocent and poor that he reluctantly did what I said. As he was poor and fortunately his dad was working under my company, so he didn't have many choices. And I was successful in it, of course. But here see... You were again together, helping and caring for each other. My heart sank every time and my blood boils whenever I see you in front of my eyes, All happy and living your life shamelessly After what you did to me."

Y/n listened to all the chatter she said.
Is this my problem that I'm built like this? She asked herself.

" But honey! It is not over yet, I'll get bail and promise to myself that I'll kill you in your sleep and watch your torment-"


The sound of a slap straight at Kat's face made the environment secluded.

" Enough of your bitterness burdening our life. Kat! Just think once time! Is it her choice that she is talented and she has fame already tugged in her pockets? Didn't she earn it, worked hard for it? Or do you think that her parents paid her the money and made her dance so well? "Kailey said shouting at her

" And most importantly!!! Fans and friends are different!!! Y/n had fans... She barely had friends except for me and Glen. Only because of your jealousy. You made us tear apart. If you were so much mad and envious of us, why didn't you come and negotiated? why didn't you come and friendshipped with us? At least you should've said hello and tried to tell your feelings so that you didn't come across as this cruel act, Kat. " Kailey started tearing up. And Kat just stood up with her head low.
Jimin ran to her side and rubbed Kailey's shoulder.

" Sir please take her as fast as you can, I don't wanna see her face again," Kailey said, weeping.

They dragged her out of the hall, handcuffed her, and leaves the place taking Katrina with them.

" Now you know the truth huh? " Glen came, she was also crying and came to Kailey's other side.

Kailey turned back and looks at Y/n. She didn't waste the time and ran to her and hugged her so tightly, wetting y/n shoulders.

" I'm sorry y/n, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me " She started sobbing more.

" It's okay, you forgive me too " Now Y/n voice was more than soft and comfortable for Kailey to hear.
Glen also came and it turns out into a wailing group hug ,full of empathy.

" Can we be friends again like we were before?" Glen asked, smiling in tears. They both hummed in response.

" Okay so now who wants to dance? " y/n said, wiping her tears and gleaming to them.

They strode to the dance floor.

The maknae line also stood there, Now understanding what the situation was. They looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders after realising that now they have become friends so they have left them alone. And the girls are dancing on their own, without them.

" It's good that they have now sorted out things "

" Now it feels like our old school, that was what it was "

" yeah! Now I can smell that aroma "

" of course, Any party was empty without this trio. Now it fulfills"

They hear the crowd gossiping, everything about only them and their friendship.

It's back! The last piece is back!

To be continued...

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