Chapter 14 - Study and Funeral

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"You're just a 21 years old brat!! how dare you make a judgement like that!!" he added.

Sophia paused.This is the first time someone called her a brat which made her laugh a little "A brat? that's a ridiculous name.You should know that I finished a 4 year college in just 1 year and trained another 1 year as a combatant,and now you're comparing me to a lowly undergraduate such as yourself? foolish!"

"You!!!!" he shouted at her back.

"Helena?" she called out to the woman who volunteered to explain earlier and also one of the Echo Faction members.

"And the rest of the Echo Faction" she added.

"YES BOSS!" they all responded in unison.

"This man is the reason why two of your beloved comrades died.He acted on his own and one of the reason is he never trusted the Echo Faction.Trust is what makes a team solidify so now...Helena,as the Vice Leader...I'll present to you this..."

Everyone was lost for words when Sophia suddenly handed Helena a pistol with a single bullet.

"Kill that man..."


"Dispose of him! I don't need some disobedient dog anyways" she said.

"I-I can't d-do that boss! I-I can't kill a former ally" her words stuttered as her hand shaked by the sight of the gun.

"Fine then...Rin if you would" Sophia flicked her fingers,commanding Rin to end it.

"Absolutely,boss!" Rin giggled as she raised her one hand.Then she twisted Andrew's head 360°.

"That should do it!" she giggled again and the three of them began releasing the dead man.


Aki's P.O.V


The boss asked us if we could attend the funeral for the lost 2.She even also asked the rest of the Echo Faction to attend not as a fellow hunter agent but as a co-worker since our identity needs to be hidden.

Right now I'm at home,getting dress for the said funeral.It's still 7 in the morning but it's better to be early than late.

I've been seeing boss's new emotions lately,not like the first time meeting her.
She was all smile before,you can't really guess what she's thinking.Her boyfriend,Azzreal's death must've mixed up her emotions and lost it.

I can tell it's slowly coming back since she finally shows how mad she is when she confronted Andrew.I can't wait for the time when I can finally meet the boss with full of emotions.

"Sis,are you done yet?" I was startled when my younger brother suddenly came bursting through my door.

"Hey!!! I told you to knock before entering!!"

"Ahh! my bad! Sis Sophia is at the door!"



Nythan's P.O.V

Today,I'm gonna meet up with the guys for a study.They told me that we will held the study on Mike's house.Do they study often? I wonder what's it like in their house?

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