Welcome Home

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"Hold, hold on, hold onto me, 'cause I'm a little unsteady, a little unsteady"

I had the best sleep tonight, finally being back in Bucky and I's bed. What I didn't know that night, was that Bucky waited until he knew completely that I was asleep until he fell asleep because he wanted to know that I was comfortable.

I had the best dreams that night, of Bucky and I's life. I even woke up with a small smile the next morning because I knew I remembered all of my memories. I slept like a baby, my body completely on top of Bucky's as I slept soundly.

I woke up the next morning around 9:30, and to an empty bed. My heart rate heightened as I looked around the room.

I know I'm home. I'm home right? And that's when I saw the frame of Bucky and I on our dresser. Yeah I'm home. So where's Bucky?

"Bucky?" I called, and I heard dishes clanking from downstairs.

"Hold on doll!" Bucky exclaimed, and I sat up in our bed, completely confused as to what was going on. I bit my lip as I heard him jogging up the stairs, and when he finally entered our room, and seeing the huge grin on his face, I knew everything was okay.

Especially because he was shirtless. Damn was that an awesome sight to see, including the shiny metal gleaming underneath our regular bedroom light. His beaming smile made me happy as he handed me a very warm plate while I sat in bed.

"I made you your favorite!" He exclaimed, and I looked down to see French toast with a side of crispy bacon. My mouth immediately started to water as I looked up at Bucky with a smile. He looked like a child waiting to show his art project to his mother, and it made my heart soar.

"Thank you Buck," I giggled, "I really appreciate it."

He climbed in bed next to me with his own plate, watching me as I took my first bite, anxiously waiting to see if I liked it or not. But as soon as I melted into our bed, his beautiful smile returned.

"You like it doll?" He asked, and I nodded my head.

"I love it!" I exclaimed, taking another bite, "thank you!"

"Of course baby," he smiled, taking a bite of his food, "did you have a good sleep?"

"Best sleep I've had in a while I'll admit," I whispered, taking another bite, "I don't think I've fully adjusted to remembering yet... and I know that sounds weird-"

"Doll, I am the first person to understand," he whispered, turning to face me and place his hand on my shoulder, "and it's going to be a little weird the first few days. Your head might hurt at the scene of a memory, or you'll feel extra emotional towards certain things. But it's all normal baby, and I'm going to help you through it."

"Does everyone know I remember?" I asked, and he shook his head while we finished our food.

"No doll," he smiled, "I didn't tell them yet so I could spend some time alone with you."

"I like that," I whispered, and he kissed the side of my head.

"I knew you would."

"What would you like to do in our time together?" He asked, and I thought for a second, "anything you'd like. A place you want to visit, a thing you want to do here...."

"Can i just spend time with you here?" I asked, placing my plate on my dresser and laying my head on Bucky's lap as he started to run his fingers through my hair, "I've been gone for so long, I think I just want time to catch up with you."

"Sounds perfect babydoll," he whispered, "how is your head feeling? Is it okay?"

"Yeah," I smiled, flipping to where my head was still on his lap but I was looking up at him, "it's good. Just a little sore but other than that it's nothing bad."

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